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24 February 2012
2012- n° 53
In February 2012, households’ confidence was stable Monthly consumer confidence survey - February 2012

In February 2011, households’ confidence about the economic situation was stable: the synthetic confidence index gained one point compared with January. It remained clearly below its long-term average.

Informations rapides
No 53
Paru le :Paru le24/02/2012
Prochaine parution le : 29/05/2024 at 08:45 - May 2024

In February 2011, households’ confidence about the economic situation was stable: the synthetic confidence index gained one point compared with January. It remained clearly below its long-term average.

Personal situation

Financial situation: more favourable prospects

In February, households appreciation of their past financial situation decreased by 2 points. On the other hand, the one of their future financial situation rose by 2 points, though remaining below its long–term average. Households were also more numerous than in January to consider it opportune to make major purchases (+5 points).

Savings: slightly increasing

Households’ opinion about their current saving capacity remained stable in February, their opinion about their savings capacity in the next 12 months slightly increased (+2 points).

Households considered it more opportune than in January to save: the corresponding balance of opinion increased by 3 points and went so beyond its long –term average.

Graph1_englishConsumer synthetic index

Tab_engCONSUMER OPINION: synthetic index and opinion balances

Balance of responses, seasonally adjusted
CONSUMER OPINION: synthetic index and opinion balances (Balance of responses, seasonally adjusted)
2011 2012
Average (1) Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb.
Synthetic index (2) 100 81 80 81 82
Financial sit., past 12 m. –18 –29 –31 –30 –32
Financial sit., next 12 m. –3 –28 –29 –28 –26
Current saving capacity 12 17 17 19 19
Expected saving capacity –10 –13 –13 –14 –12
Savings intentions, next 12 m. 20 16 18 21 24
Major purchases intentions, next 12 m. –14 –26 –26 –29 –24
General economic sit., past 12 m. –41 –75 –74 –73 –75
General economic sit., next 12 m. –23 –63 –60 –57 –53
Unemployment, next 12 m. 34 69 69 65 64
Consumer prices, past 12 m. –17 11 12 12 14
Consumer prices, next 12 m. –34 –10 –11 –14 –12
  • (1) Average value between February 1987 and January 2011
  • (2) This indicator is normalised in such a way that its average equals 100 and standard error equals 10 over the estimation period (1987-2011).

Economic situation in France

General economic situation in France: less pessimistic expectations

In February, households’ opinion about the past general economic situation in France decreased anew (–2 points). On the other hand, the expected general economic situation was still improving: +4 points in February, that is +10 points since its lowest level reached in November. These balances of opinion remained clearly below their long-term averages.

Future unemployment: almost stable expectations

In February, households were almost as numerous as in January to forecast an increase in unemployment. The level of this balance lost 1 point, remaining much higher than its long-term average.

Inflation’s appreciation: increasing

In February, households were more numerous than in January to perceive an increasing inflation (+2 points). Their opinion about future inflation is also increasing (+2 points).

Graph2_englishBalances on personal financial situation and general economic situation

chomage_enHouseholds' unemployment expectations

prix_enHouseholds' perception of prices

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