Informations rapides
13 March 2012
2012- n° 67
In February 2012, the prices of the imported commodities accelerated Prices of oil and raw material imports - February 2012

In February, the price of oil in dollars has accelerated (+6.1% after +3.2% in January). It stood at $118.3 per barrel Brent. Rising prices in foreign currency of non-energy com-modities imported into France continued (+2.8% after +1.7% in January).

In February, the price of oil in dollars has accelerated (+6.1% after +3.2% in January). It stood at $118.3 per barrel Brent. Rising prices in foreign currency of non-energy commodities imported into France continued (+2.8% after +1.7% in January).

The prices of oil in dollars accelerated

In February, the dollar price of oil from the North Sea (Brent) has accelerated (+6.1% after +3.2%). In euros, the oil prices rose less strongly (+3.3 % after +5.2 %), due to the appreciation of European currency against the dollar (+2.6)

The prices of industrial raw material continued to rise

In February, the prices of industrial raw materials in foreign currencies continued to rise (+3.0% after +1.5% in January). On the one hand, the rising in prices of mineral raw materials has continued (+3.2% after +2.8%). The prices of nonferrous metals have slowed (+3.5% after +6.0%), mainly those of aluminiumr (+2.8% after +6.1%), nickel (+3.2% after 9.1%) and copper (+4.7% after +6.3%). But, the prices of precious metals rose sharply (+7.9% after +1.8%), including those of silver (+11.0% after +1.2%) and gold (+5.2% after +0.2%).

On the other hand, the prices of agro-industrial raw materials rebounded (+2.4% after +2.2%). Indeed, the prices of sawn wood of conifers (+4.0% after +2.2%) and natural rubber prices (+5.0% after +2.0%) accelerated. The prices of natural textile fibers, have, however, stabilized (+0.4% after +3.2%), with the falling in price of cotton (-0.4% after +6.2%).

The prices of raw food materials rose again

In February, the prices of raw food materials in foreign currencies contiued to rise (+2.2% after +2.6%). Indeed, the oilseeds prices have accelerated (+4.3% after +3.4%),

as well as sugar (+3.5% after +2.7%) and beef meal (+4.3% after +2.4%). The cereals prices have, however, retreated (-1.4% after +6.6%) : the prices of corn slowed (+1.5% after +4.8%) and those of the rice fell again (-2.9%).

tabpetroleOil and petroleum products

in dollar
Oil and petroleum products (in dollar)
Prices Change (%)
of last month over the last month over the last 3 months over the last 12 months
Brent in $ per barrel 118,3 6,1 6,8 14,3
Brent in € per barrel 89,3 3,3 9,3 17,9
Gasoline 1048,3 7,5 13,5 19,5
Gas Oil 1005,1 5,7 3,2 14,2
Heavy fuel 680,8 3,8 8,3 26,0
Naphta 1026,7 8,6 18,6 16,9
  • Prices are in dollars per tonne unless otherwise specified
  • Source : INSEE

tabmatpremImported raw materials (excluding energy) in domestic currency

base 100 in 2000
Imported raw materials (excluding energy) in domestic currency (base 100 in 2000)
Index Changes (%)
over the last month over the last 3 months over the last 12 months
Food total 249,8 2,2 1,4 –10,3
Tropical foodstuff 236,2 0,0 –4,0 –23,5
Oil seeds, vegetable oils 271,3 4,3 5,7 –9,5
Cereals 304,0 –1,4 0,4 4,9
Sugar 305,5 3,5 1,5 –21,7
Beef meat 170,4 4,3 6,6 9,9
Industrial raw materials 238,3 3,0 3,0 –15,0
Agricultural raw materials 145,3 2,4 –1,2 –16,8
Natural Fibers 210,4 0,4 –4,2 –47,5
Natural rubber 456,0 5,0 5,9 –30,1
Hides 98,8 10,0 3,1 –13,5
Wood pulp 123,6 –0,3 –10,5 –11,6
Tropical wood 147,6 0,0 –0,5 –4,1
Sawn softwood 102,5 4,0 14,5 –8,7
Minerals 288,0 3,2 4,4 –14,5
Iron ore 487,5 0,0 –6,7 –23,5
Non-ferrous metals 255,4 3,5 8,4 –15,3
Precious metals 455,1 7,9 2,9 13,4
All commodities 232,8 2,8 2,3 –13,5
  • Source : INSEE


  • Source : INSEE


  • Source : INSEE

G_ensemble_angAll commodities

  • Source : INSEE

G_indus_angIndustrial raw materials

  • Source : INSEE

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