Informations rapides
31 July 2012
2012- n° 193
Significant drop in import prices and in prices on all markets Industrial Producer and Import Price Indices - June 2012

In June, French producer prices in industry fell significantly again (-0.9 % following -1.0 % in May). The drop in prices for refined petroleum products (-7.7 % following -5.3 %) was sharper than last month, as prices for "other manufactured products" (-0.6 % following -0.1 %).

Informations rapides
No 193
Paru le :Paru le31/07/2012
Prochaine parution le : 27/09/2024 at 08:45 - August 2024

Producer price indices in French industry

FRENCH MARKET: -0.9 % in June

In June, French producer prices in industry fell significantly again (-0.9 % following -1.0 % in May). The drop in prices for refined petroleum products (-7.7 % following -5.3 %) was sharper than last month, as prices for "other manufactured products" (-0.6 % following -0.1 %).

The decline in prices for refined petroleum products was sharper...

Prices for refined petroleum products moved down markedly for the second consecutive month (-5.3 %), following the same movement as the price for Brent crude sourced from the North Sea, whose fall in June was stronger than last month, in both dollar terms (–13.5 % following -7.6 % in May) and euro terms (–11.8 % following -4.9 % in May). The acceleration of the decline in prices for refined petroleum products was particularly strong for diesel oil (-6.7 % following -4.0 % in May) and heating oil (-7.3 %, following -4.7 % in May).

... as prices for "other manufactured products"

Prices for "other manufactured products" fell (-0.6 %), following two months of almost no change (-0.1 %). This movement is mainly attributable to a decline in prices for chemical products (-2.8 %), most notably for basic organic products (-8.4 %) made from refined petroleum products.

Food prices rose slightly

Food prices rose slightly, as in May (+0.3 %, following +0.2 %). Meat prices increased significantly (+2.3 %), in a context of higher prices for bovine animals and swine, while prices for dairy products were stable and prices for beverages fell (-0.4 %), due to a decline in prices for wine (-0.6 %) and for mineral waters and soft drinks (-0.3 %).

FOREIGN MARKETS: - 0.5 % in June

Producer prices of French industrial products sold on foreign markets moved down in June, as in May (–0.5 %). Prices for refined petroleum products fell again (–7.1 % following -7.5 %), while prices for "other manufactured products" declined (-0.3 %), most notably for chemical products (-1.0 %).

ALL MARKETS: -0.8 % in June

On all markets, producer prices of French industrial products fell by -0.8 %. Year-over-year, the rise was +1.1 % only for the "total industry". Prices for "other manufactured products" reached exactly the same level as the year before (+0.0 %), while prices for refined petroleum products were still a bit higher (+3.1 % compared to June 2011, that is the same price level as in July 2011).

Import prices indices of industrial products : -1.6 % in June

In June, prices for imported industrial products continued to drop (-1.6 %, following -1.2 %) due to a significant fall in buying prices for oil and refined petroleum products, which weigh more heavily on import prices than on French producer prices. The rise in food prices is attributable to the sugar price trend.

Graphique1_ENTotal Industry price indices

Graphique2_ENProducer price indices of manufactured products sold on the french market

Graphique3_ENImport price indices of manufactured products

Tableau1French Producer Price Indices in industry according to the market where the products are sold:

base and reference year: 2005
French Producer Price Indices in industry according to the market where the products are sold: (base and reference year: 2005)
Change in %
Levels A 10 and A 17 in CPF rev. 2, 2008 Weight Jun.12 In 1 month In 1 year
French market
BE:TOTAL INDUSTRY 1000 116.9 –0.9 1.3
(DE) Mining and quarrying, energy, water 130 132.0 0.0 4.0
CZ: Manufactured prod. 870 114.7 –1.1 0.9
(C1) Food products, beverages, tobacco 188 112.5 0.3 2.0
(C2) Coke and refined petroleum products 70 153.7 –7.7 2.4
(C3) Electrical & electronic equip., computers, mach. 92 112.1 0.2 1.8
(C4) Transport equipment 79 106.3 –0.1 1.1
(C5) Other man. products 441 111.4 –0.6 –0.1
Foreign markets
BE:TOTAL INDUSTRY 1000 107.8 –0.5 0.5
CZ: Manufactured prod. s 107.5 –0.4 0.8
(C1) Food products, beverages, tobacco 82 117.8 –0.1 0.4
(C2) Coke and refined petroleum products 25 212.2 –7.1 6.1
(C3) Electrical & electronic equip., computers, mach. 202 97.0 0.4 0.3
(C4) Transport equipment 211 101.1 0.1 1.1
(C5) Other man. products s 107.6 –0.3 0.4
All markets
BE:TOTAL INDUSTRY 1000 114.0 –0.8 1.1
CZ: Manufactured prod. s 112.2 –0.9 0.9
(C1) Food products, beverages, tobacco 154 113.4 0.2 1.7
(C2) Coke and refined petroleum products 56 161.9 –7.6 3.1
(C3) Electrical & electronic equip., computers, mach. 127 104.4 0.3 1.1
(C4) Transport equipment 121 103.5 0.0 1.1
(C5) Other man. products s 110.2 –0.5 0.0

    Tableau2Import prices of industrial products

    base and reference year: 2005
    Import prices of industrial products (base and reference year: 2005)
    Change en %
    Levels A 10 and A 17 of nomenclature CPF rev. 2, 2008 Weight Jun.12 In 1 month In 1 year
    BE:TOTAL INDUSTRY 1000 118.9 –1.6 1.2
    CZ: Manufactured prod. s 109.9 –0.6 0.8
    (C1) Food products, beverages, tobacco 69 128.1 0.6 2.4
    (C2) Coke and refined petroleum products 41 154.6 –7.6 0.7
    (C3) Electrical & electronic equip., computers, mach. 210 94.1 0.1 0.6
    (C4) Transport equipment 133 100.6 0.0 –0.9
    (C5) Other manufactured products s 113.2 –0.2 1.1
    • r: updated ; nd: non available ; s : confidential

    Tableau3Revision of each index at total industry level

    Revision of the monthly change (in %)
    Revision of each index at total industry level (Revision of the monthly change (in %))
    Mar.12 / Feb.12 Apr.12 / Mar.12 May 12 / Apr.12
    French producer prices in industry sold on:
    - the French market // –0.1 //
    - the foreign markets // +0.1 +0.1(1)
    - all markets // // +0.1
    Import prices of industrial products // // //
    • (1) Reading note: the evolution of the index between Apr.12 and May 12 published last month was equal to -0.6 %. It is updated to -0.5 %; that is to say a revision of +0.1 %.

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