Informations rapides
10 July 2012
2012- n° 173
In May 2012, manufacturing output decreased (-1.0%) Industrial production index - May 2012

In May 2012, manufacturing output decreased in volume (-1.0%). It had decreased as well in April (-0.9%). Output decreased more sharply in total industry (-1.9%).

Informations rapides
No 173
Paru le :Paru le10/07/2012
Prochaine parution le : 04/10/2024 at 08:45 - August 2024

In May 2012, manufacturing output decreased in volume (-1.0%). It had decreased as well in April (-0.9%).

Output decreased more sharply in total industry (-1.9%).

During the last quarter, manufacturing output slightly decreased (-0.2%)…

During the last quarter (quarter-on-quarter change), output slightly decreased in the manufacturing sector (-0.2%) and was almost stable in the industry as a whole (-0.1%).

Output decreased in the manufacture of electrical and electronic equipment (-1.2%), in the manufacture of transport equipment (-1.0%). It slightly increased in the “other manufacturing” (+0.3%).

Again, the manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products suffered of closing for maintenance (-7.7%).

…and was lower than its last year’s level by 2.2%

Manufacturing output decreased by 2.2% (y-o-y).

It decreased in the “other manufacturing“ (-2.5%), in the manufacture of electrical and electronic equipment and machine equipment (-3.7%) and in the manufacture of transport equipment (-1.2%). Output strongly decreased in the manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products (-16.3%).

Please note: all the series are adjusted for seasonal variations (SA) and the number of working days (WDA).

Graphique1aMonthly industrial Production indexes

  • Legend : CZ : Manufacturing - (C1) : Manufacture of food products and beverages - (C3) : Electrical and electronic equipment; machine equipment - (C4) : Manufacture of transport equipment - (C5) : Other manufacturing
  • Sources : Insee, SSP, SOeS

Tableau 1Variation of the Industrial Production by activity (NA)

2005 based, SA-WDA changes in %
Variation of the Industrial Production by activity (NA) (2005 based, SA-WDA changes in %)
NA : A10, (A17) May / April April / March Quarter on quarter change Year on year change (1)
BE: INDUSTRY –1.9 1.4 –0.1 –1.3
CZ: MANUFACTURING –1.0 –0.9 –0.2 –2.2
(C1): Manufacture of food products and beverages –0.6 –0.6 0.4 1.2
(C2): Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products –4.3 –1.8 –7.7 –16.3
(C3): Electrical and electronic equipment; machine equipment –1.7 –0.2 –1.2 –3.7
(C4): Manufacture of transport equipment –1.2 –2.5 –1.0 –1.2
(C5): Other manufacturing –1.0 –0.6 0.3 –2.5
(DE): Mining and quarrying; energy; water supply; waste management –7.3 16.8 0.1 4.5
FZ: Construction 0.4 –0.8 3.2 –1.1
  • (1) Last three months / three same months of previous year
  • The codes correspond to the level of aggregation A 10 (A 17) of the "NA" aggregate classification based on NAF rev.2.
  • Sources : INSEE, SSP, SOeS

Tableau 2Variation of the Industrial Production

2005 based, SA-WDA changes in %
Variation of the Industrial Production (2005 based, SA-WDA changes in %)
NA : A10, (A17), [A38 ou A64] May 2012 May / April April / March Quarter on quarter change
BE: INDUSTRY 90,8 –1,9 1,4 –0,1
CZ: MANUFACTURING 89,8 –1,0 –0,9 –0,2
(C1): Man. of food products and beverages 105,6 –0,6 –0,6 0,4
(C2): Man. of coke and refined petroleum products 62,0 –4,3 –1,8 –7,7
(C3): Electrical and electronic equipment; machine equipment 88,5 –1,7 –0,2 –1,2
[CI] Man. of computer, electronic and optical products 91,4 –2,7 0,0 –0,4
[CJ] Man. of electrical equipment 97,8 –1,1 0,3 –2,0
[CK] Man. of machinery and equipment n.e.c. (1) 81,1 –1,1 –0,8 –1,4
(C4): Man. of transport equipment 84,6 –1,2 –2,5 –1,0
[CL1] Man. of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers 66,5 –0,7 –0,1 –2,4
[CL2] Man. of other transport equipment 121,5 –1,7 –4,9 0,6
(C5): Other manufacturing 88,6 –1,0 –0,6 0,3
[CB] Man. of textiles, wearing apparel, leather and related products 58,0 –0,7 0,7 0,5
[CC] Man. of wood and paper products; printing and reproduction of recorded media 74,6 –1,5 –1,3 0,3
[CE] Man. of chemicals and chemical products 114,1 –0,3 0,6 1,8
[CF] Man. of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations 109,6 –0,5 –0,6 –1,2
[CG] Man. of rubber and plastics products, and other non-metallic mineral products 83,6 –1,2 –1,4 –0,1
[CH] Man. of basic metals and fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment 78,5 –1,1 –1,0 –0,7
[CM] Other manufacturing; repair and installation of machinery and equipment 104,9 –1,1 0,3 2,5
(DE): Mining and quarrying; energy; water supply; waste management 97,5 –7,3 16,8 0,1
[BZ] Mining and quarrying 85,1 –2,1 0,8 4,4
[DZ] Electricity, gas, steam and air-conditioning supply 97,4 –8,7 20,8 –0,5
[EZ] Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation 107,6 1,0 –2,8 1,7
FZ: Construction 95,1 0,4 –0,8 3,2
MIGs (2)
Capital goods 89,1 –1,5 –1,1 0,1
Intermediate goods 84,9 –0,7 –0,7 0,0
Consumer durables 82,0 –0,5 0,4 –0,7
Consumer non-durables 101,7 –0,8 –0,7 –0,2
  • (1) n.e.c. : not elsewhere classifiable
  • (2) Main industrial groupings : definition in Commission regulation EC of 14 June 2007
  • Sources : Insee, SSP, SOeS

Output decreased in the « other manufacturing » (-1.0%)…

Output decreased in the manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products (-1.1%), in the manufacture of rubber and plastics products (-1.2%), in the other manufacturing, repair and installation of machinery and equipment (-1.1%) as well as in the manufacture of wood and paper products; printing and reproduction of record media (-1.5%).

… in the manufacture of electrical and electronic equipment, machine equipment (-1.7%) …

Output decreased in the manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products (-2.7%), in the manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c. (-1.1%) and in the manufacture of electrical equipment (-1.1%).

… as well as in the manufacture of transport equipment (-1.2%)

Output decreased in the manufacture of other transport equipment (-1.7%) and in the manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers (-0.7%).

Output dropped in mining and quarrying, energy, water supply, waste management

Output dropped by 8.7% in the electricity, gas, steam and air-conditioning supply.

Revisions: -0.22 in April

Tableau 3Measure of variations’ revisions

(in point %)
Measure of variations’ revisions ((in point %))
April / March March / Feb. Feb. / Jan. Q1 2012 / Q4 2011 2011 / 2010
Industry (BE) –0,10 –0,11 0,00 –0,15 –0,06
raw serie 0,09 0,01 –0,21 0,07 –0,06
SA-WDA coefficient –0,19 –0,12 0,21 –0,22 0,00
Manufacturing (CZ) –0,22 0,00 –0,11 –0,15 –0,09
raw serie 0,08 –0,10 –0,23 0,07 –0,10
SA-WDA coefficient –0,30 0,10 0,12 –0,22 0,01
  • Note of reading : in the manufacturing, the SA-WDA evolution between March and April is revised by -0.22 point : 0.08 is due to the raw serie's revision and -0.30 to the new calculation of the SA-WDA.
  • Sources : Insee, SSP, SOeS
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