Informations rapides
28 February 2014
2014- n° 53
In December 2013, the turnover increased in the wholesale trade and business services (excluding real estate activities) Turnover in the wholesale trade and business services - December 2013

In December 2013, the turnover increased in transportation and storage (+2.1%) and in wholesale trade, except for motor vehicles and motorcycles.(+1.7%). It also increased in information and communication (+0.7%) and in business support activities (+0.7%). On the opposite, it declined very slightly in real estate activities (–0.2%).

Every index in this issue is in value, seasonally and working-day adjusted (SA-WDA).

In December 2013, the turnover increased in transportation and storage (+2.1%) and in wholesale trade, except for motor vehicles and motorcycles.(+1.7%). It also increased in information and communication (+0.7%) and in business support activities (+0.7%). On the opposite, it declined very slightly in real estate activities (–0.2%).

Over the last three months (q-o-q), the turnover increased in business support activities (+0.9%), in real estate activities (+1.7%) and in transportation and storage (+0.6%). On the other hand, it went down in information and communication (–1.0%) and, to a lesser extent, in the wholesale trade, except for motor vehicles and motorcycle (–0.2%).

Over the year (y-o-y), the turnover plunged in information and communication (–3.6%) and slided in the wholesale trade, except for motor vehicles and motorcycles (–0.9%). On the contrary, it climbed in business support activities (+1.6%), in real estate activities (+2.0%) and in transportation and storage (+1.1%).

Graph1_anglaisWholesale trade and business services

  • Source : INSEE


The change in November has been reviewed by +0.5 point in transportation and storage, by –0.2 point in information and communication, by +0.2 point in the wholesale trade, except for motor vehicles and motorcycles and by +0.1 point in real estate activities. It remained unchanged in business support activities.

Tab1_anglaisVariation of the turnover in the wholesale trade and business services

SA-WDA value, Base year 2010
Variation of the turnover in the wholesale trade and business services (SA-WDA value, Base year 2010)
Change in %
Nace classification Weight Dec./ Nov. Nov./ Oct. q-o-q (1) y-o-y (2)
46 Wholesale trade, except for motor vehicles and motorcycles 1000 1.7 –0.3 –0.2 –0.9
H Transportation and storage 1000 2.1 –0.6 0.6 1.1
J Information and communication 1000 0.7 –0.2 –1.0 –3.6
L Real estate activities 1000 –0.2 1.1 1.7 2.0
M+N Business support activities 1000 0.7 0.6 0.9 1.6
M Professional. scientific and technical activities 579 0.3 1.0 1.7 3.0
N Administrative and support service activities 421 1.4 0.1 –0.2 –0.2
  • (1) Quarter-on-quarter: last three months / three previous months.
  • (2) Year-on-year: last three months / three same months of the previous year.
  • Source: INSEE

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