Informations rapides
21 January 2014
2014- n° 14
Year-on-year, house prices decreased (—1.4%) House price index - 3rd Quarter 2013

Warning : the price index of the second-hand dwellings presented here is the Notaires-Insee index non seasonally adjusted. It included revisions of these data which took place at the beginning of January 2014.

Informations rapides
No 14
Paru le :Paru le21/01/2014
Prochaine parution le : 27/09/2024 at 12:00 - second quarter 2024

Warning  : the price index of the second-hand dwellings presented here is the Notaires-Insee index non seasonally adjusted. It included revisions of these data which took place at the beginning of January 2014.

In the third quarter of 2013, house prices increased by 1.2% compared with the previous quarter; new dwellings prices increased by 1.5% while those of second-hand dwellings grew by 1.1%.

Year-on-year, house prices decreased

Year-on-year, house prices decreased by 1.4 %; the downward pressures came from the drop of second-hand dwellings (—1.7%) while the prices of the new dwellings grew (+1.0%).

OLE_LINK2House price index

Base 100 : 2010
House price index (Base 100 : 2010)
Weights 2013 (in %) Indices 2013 Q3 (p) Percentage change compared with the previous quarter (p) Percentage change compared with the same quarter of the previous year (p)
All dwellings: 100.0 104.5 +1.2 -1.4
- new dwellings 11.4 104.9 +1.5 +1.0
- existing dwellings 88.6 104.5 +1.1 -1.7
  • (p) Provisional data
  • Source : Insee, SoeS, French notaries – Database Bien, Perval society


Methodology (pdf,175 Ko)

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