Informations rapides
17 October 2013
2013- n° 239
In September 2013, the price of crude oil climbed Prices of oil and raw material imports - September 2013

In September, the crude oil price in euros increased more sharply than in August (+4.0% from +0.5%), reaching € 86.0 on average per barrel of Brent. The prices in euros of imported raw materials excluding energy declined slightly

In September, the crude oil price in euros increased more sharply than in August (+4.0% from +0.5%), reaching € 86.0 on average per barrel of Brent. The prices in euros of imported raw materials excluding energy declined slightly

(-0.3% after -1.5%). The prices of raw food materials recovered moderately on last month (+1.0% after -6.8%). The prices of industrial raw materials dropped by 1% (after +2.1%).

The price of crude oil rose

In dollar terms, the price of crude oil from the North Sea (Brent) continued to climb (+4.3% after +2.3%) and stood at $114.9 per barrel. In euro terms, this increase was also significant (+4.0% after +0.5%), due to a lower appreciation of the euro against the dollar (+0.3%).

Decrease in prices of imported industrial raw materials

In euro terms, the prices of industrial raw materials dipped slightly (-1.0% after +2.1% in August). In particuliar, the prices of mineral raw materials slipped, compared to August

(-2.1% after +2.7%) : titanium excepted (+0.8%), the prices of all the non-ferrous and precious metals decreased. The copper price dropped (-0.6% from +2.4%) because the Chinese demand was weaker, due to the level of final goods inventories. The prices of lead (-4.2%) and of zinc (–3.0%) dropped sharply. The price of iron ore declined as well, due to an increase in the worldwide production. The prices of precious metals went down too (–0.1% after +4.7%). The platinum prices (-2.8% after +4.7%) and the palladium (–4.7% after +1.2 %) were the main vectors of the decrease. The gold price decrease (-0.2% after +2.9%) was due to the weakening of the geopolitical tension in the Middle East. The prices of agro-industrial raw materials rose (+2.4% after +0.4%), the decrease in natural fibres (-2.0%) was compensated by the natural rubber price increase (+2.4%) and the sawn softwood one (+6.0%).

The prices of raw food materials recovered slightly

The prices of raw food materials rose (+1.0% from -6.8% in August). The prices of oil seeds went up, compared to August, in particuliar the sunflower ones (+0.2 % after –17.7%) and the soya meal (+7.7% after -16.2%), as a result of lower crop anticipations due to bad weather conditions in the United States. On the other hand, the cereal prices still bottomed out (-6.0% after -12.1%).

tabpetroleOil and petroleum products

in euros
Oil and petroleum products (in euros)
Prices Change (%)
of last month over the last month over the last 3 months over the last 12 months
Brent in $ per barrel 114,9 4,3 11,7 1,4
Brent in € per barrel 86,0 4,0 10,4 –2,3
Gasoline €/L 0,556 –4,1 1,1 –17,1
Gas Oil 719,3 2,6 8,7 –6,1
Heavy fuel 459,4 0,2 –0,1 –15,6
Naphtha 716,1 5,0 11,8 –4,7
  • Prices are in euros per tonne unless otherwise specified
  • Source : Insee

tabmatpremImported raw materials (excluding energy) in euros

base 100 in 2000
Imported raw materials (excluding energy) in euros (base 100 in 2000)
Index Changes (%)
over the last month over the last 3 months over the last 12 months
Food total 179,8 1,0 –4,0 –15,1
Tropical foodstuffs 144,5 1,1 4,0 –16,4
Oil seeds, vegetable oils 241,9 4,2 –5,0 –14,8
Cereals 159,2 –6,0 –20,9 –30,1
Sugar 142,9 1,8 1,5 –15,6
Beef meat 112,8 –3,2 –5,0 –5,4
Industrial raw materials 159,9 –1,0 2,0 –7,8
Agricultural raw materials 105,3 2,4 4,4 2,8
Natural Fibers 127,1 –2,0 –4,1 3,0
Natural rubber 258,1 2,4 3,8 –14,5
Hides 78,7 –4,4 –8,7 2,3
Wood pulp 87,9 0,5 –0,5 5,2
Tropical wood 99,0 2,1 1,2 –5,1
Sawn softwood 93,8 6,0 15,2 12,8
Minerals 189,7 –2,1 1,2 –11,0
Iron ore 743,8 –2,4 15,4 30,0
Non-ferrous metals 141,0 –2,3 –2,4 –16,9
Precious metals 240,1 –0,1 1,2 –25,4
All commodities 160,6 –0,3 –0,4 –10,7
  • Source : Insee


  • Source : Insee


  • Source : Insee

G_ensemble_angAll commodities

  • Source : Insee

G_indus_angIndustrial raw materials

  • Source : Insee

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