Informations rapides
15 January 2013
2013- n° 12
In December 2012, the prices of imported raw materials recovered Prices of oil and raw material imports - December 2012

In December, the oil price in dollars remained stable (+0.0% after –2.2% in November). It stood at $109.3 per barrel of Brent. On the other hand, prices in foreign currencies, except energy imported into France, rebounded (+2.4% after –1.3% in November).

In December, the oil price in dollars remained stable (+0.0% after –2.2% in November). It stood at $109.3 per barrel of Brent. On the other hand, prices in foreign currencies, except energy imported into France, rebounded (+2.4% after –1.3% in November).

Crude oil prices in dollars stopped to decline

In December, the price in dollars of the barrel of oil from the North Sea (Brent) stabilized (+0.0% after –2.2% in November). However, in euros, the price of the barrel continued to decline (-2.2% after –1.2% in November), due to the appreciation of the euro against the dollar (+2.2%). On average over the year 2012, the price of Brent crude stood at $111.8, an increase of 0.7% compared to 2011. In euros, the increase was much stronger (+0.9%), compared to 2011.

The prices of the industrial raw material rebounded

In December, the prices in foreign currencies of industrial raw materials rose (+4.5% after –0.2% in November). On one hand, the prices of mineral raw materials rebounded (+5.4% after -1.5% in November). Indeed, the prices of nonferrous metals increased sharply (+5.9% after -3.1%), especially those of copper (+3,5%), aluminium (+7.4%), nickel (+6.8%), zinc (+6.8%), or still titanium (+5.0%). However, prices of precious metals continued to decline (-1.3% after -1.6%), due to a further decline in prices of silver (-2.5%) and gold (-1.9%).

On the other hand, the prices of agricultural raw materials continued to grow (+2.2% after +3.5%), mainly those of sawn softwood of conifers (+9.6%), hides (+6.8%), natural rubber (+3.3%) and natural textile fibers (+3.3%) with the sharp rise in wool prices (+6.1%).

The decrease in prices of raw food materials moderated

In December, the decine in foreign currencies prices of raw food materials was less pronounced than in November (-1.1% after -3.1%). Prices of oilseeds registered a slight decline (-0.9% after –4.7%), due to the attenuation to the lower prices of soybean meal (-1.2% after –4.1%). On the other hand, the prices of palm oil continued to decline (-4.1% after –3.2%). Meanwhile, prices of sugar stabilized (-0.6%) after a sharp decline the previous month (-5.3%). The prices of tropical foodstuff continued to decline (-2.5%), including those of arabica (-4.1%), and cocoa (-3.1%), and those of cereals folded back (-1.1%). Indeed, thanks to an abundant supply from South America, prices of corn fell again (-3.0%).

tabpetroleOil and petroleum products

in dollar
Oil and petroleum products (in dollar)
Prices Change (%)
of last month over the last month over the last 3 months over the last 12 months
Brent in $ per barrel 109,3 0,0 –3,6 1,1
Brent in € per barrel 83,3 –2,2 –5,4 1,3
Gasoline 0,7 –4,1 –16,5 3,6
Gas Oil 925,6 –1,2 –6,1 0,0
Heavy fuel 603,8 –1,1 –13,8 –7,6
Naphta 941,3 1,1 –2,7 7,6
  • Prices are in dollars per tonne unless otherwise specified
  • Source : INSEE

tabmatpremImported raw materials (excluding energy) in domestic currency

base 100 in 2000
Imported raw materials (excluding energy) in domestic currency (base 100 in 2000)
Index Changes (%)
over the last month over the last 3 months over the last 12 months
Food total 262,4 –1,1 –8,4 9,8
Tropical foodstuff 219,8 –2,5 –8,8 –4,6
Oil seeds, vegetable oils 336,0 –0,9 –12,0 34,1
Cereals 310,4 –1,1 –2,1 7,3
Sugar 235,7 –0,6 –1,4 –18,0
Beef meat 160,7 0,3 –3,5 0,7
Industrial raw materials 254,2 4,5 5,2 1,3
Agricultural raw materials 149,3 2,2 8,0 2,9
Natural Fibers 174,8 3,3 1,1 –13,9
Natural rubber 356,6 3,3 4,7 –16,2
Hides 118,0 6,8 9,6 31,1
Wood pulp 112,9 –5,3 –3,4 –12,9
Tropical wood 143,8 0,0 –0,9 –2,6
Sawn softwood 143,7 9,6 24,9 49,2
Minerals 310,7 5,4 4,2 0,8
Iron ore 1035,1 7,1 29,6 –5,6
Non-ferrous metals 238,3 5,9 0,4 2,4
Precious metals 435,5 –1,3 –3,3 5,1
All commodities 246,9 0,0 0,0 0,0
  • Source : INSEE


  • Source : INSEE


  • Source : INSEE

G_ensemble_angAll commodities

  • Source : INSEE

G_indus_angIndustrial raw materials

  • Source : INSEE

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