Informations rapides
14 December 2012
2012- n° 305
In November 2012, imported raw materials prices decreased again Prices of oil and raw material imports - November 2012

In November, the price of crude oil in U.S. dollar terms continued to decline ( 2.3% after 1.4% in October). It stood at $109.3 per barrel of Brent. The prices in foreign curren-cies of commodities except energy imported into France went on decreasing too ( 1.3% after 1.2% in October).

In November, the price of crude oil in U.S. dollar terms continued to decline (–2.3% after –1.4% in October). It stood at $109.3 per barrel of Brent. The prices in foreign currencies of commodities except energy imported into France went on decreasing too (–1.3% after –1.2% in October).

Further decrease in crude oil prices

In November, the price of crude oil (North Sea Brent) in U.S. dollars per barrel fell for the second consecutive month (–2.3% after –1.4% in October). In Euro terms, the dip in oil prices was slightly less pronounced (–1.2% after –2.1%), due to the depreciation of the European currency against the U.S. dollar (–1.1%).

The prices of industrial raw materials receded

In November, the prices in foreign currencies of industrial raw materials were down (–0.2% after +0.9% in October). Indeed, the prices of mineral raw materials slipped (–1.5% after +0.4%). The prices of non–ferrous metals continued to fall (–3.1% after –2.1%), especially that of copper (–4.6%), nickel (–5.5%), titanium (–4.0%) and aluminum (–1.6%). The drop in precious metals prices also intensified (–1.6% after –0.4%), due to the decline in platinum (–3.6%) and gold (–1.5%).

The prices of agricultural raw materials, however, went on expanding (+3.5% after +2.1%), mainly because of the sharp increase in sawn softwood prices (+13.3%). The prices of natural rubber on the opposite corrected down markedly (–5.3% after +7.0%) and the prices of natural textile fibers fell again (–0.6%), notably that of cotton (–1.3%).

The prices of raw food materials went on declining

In November, raw food materials prices, in foreign currency terms, registered another drop (–3.1% after –4.3% in October). In particular, oilseeds prices tumbled again (–4.7% after –6.8%). As global supply is expected to run ahead of demand, the prices of soybean meal (–4.7%) and soybeans (–5.9%) went on sinking. Similarly, the prices of palm oil plunged for the fourth straight month (–3.2%), still due to the accumulation of stocks in Southeast Asia.

Tropical foodstuff prices also dropped (–2.0%), mainly that of arabica (–10.4%) and robusta (–6.3%). Finally, sugar prices fell significantly (–5.3%), thanks to abundant supply prospects, especially in Brazil, the world’s largest exporter. Cereals prices stabilized (+0.2% after –1.2%), due to the firming up of rice prices (+1.0%).

tabpetrole_angOil and petroleum products

in dollar
Oil and petroleum products (in dollar)
Prices Change (%)
over the last month over the last month over the last 3 months over the last 12 months
Brent in $ per barrel 109.3 –2.3 –2.8 –1.3
Brent in € per barrel 85.1 –1.2 –6.0 4.2
Gasoline in $ per liter 0.75 –4.2 –6.1 8.1
Gas Oil 936.8 –4.8 –2.9 –3.8
Heavy fuel 610.4 –5.7 –11.7 –7.8
Naphtha 931.5 –2.4 –0.3 7.7
  • Prices are in dollars per ton unless otherwise specified
  • Source : INSEE

tabmatprem_angImported raw materials (excluding energy) in foreign currencies

base 100 in 2000
Imported raw materials (excluding energy) in foreign currencies (base 100 in 2000)
Index Changes (%)
over the last month over the last 3 months over the last 12 months
Food total 265.4 –3.1 –7.4 7.4
Tropical foodstuff 225.5 –2.0 –3.6 –8.3
Oil seeds, vegetable oils 339.2 –4.7 –12.7 32.7
Cereals 313.7 0.2 –2.1 3.6
Sugar 237.1 –5.3 –5.9 –21.2
Beef meat 160.2 –2.4 –2.8 0.2
Industrial raw materials 243.2 –0.2 5.1 –4.5
Agricultural raw materials 146.1 3.5 3.5 –0.7
Natural Fibers 169.2 –0.6 –2.7 –23.0
Natural rubber 345.4 –5.3 5.1 –19.8
Hides 110.6 1.5 2.2 15.3
Wood pulp 119.2 0.4 –1.2 –13.7
Tropical wood 143.8 –0.4 1.6 –3.0
Sawn softwood 131.2 13.3 8.8 46.6
Minerals 294.9 –1.5 5.8 –5.7
Iron ore 966.7 5.6 11.6 –11.2
Non-ferrous metals 225.1 –3.1 4.0 –4.4
Precious metals 441.3 –1.6 9.0 –0.2
All commodities 241.2 –1.3 0.0 –0.4
  • Source : INSEE


  • Source : INSEE


  • Source : INSEE

G_ensemble_angAll commodities

  • Source : INSEE

G_indus_angIndustrial raw materials

  • Source : INSEE

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