Informations rapides
13 June 2014
2014- n° 135
Decrease in payroll employment in Q1 2014 Payroll employment - 1st Quarter 2014

In Q1 2014, payroll employment in principally market sectors decreased by 0.1% q-o-q (-21,700 jobs), after +0.1% (+21,000) in the previous quarter. Excluding temporary work, employment rise slightly in Q1 2014 (+ 4,500 jobs).

Informations rapides
No 135
Paru le :Paru le13/06/2014
Prochaine parution le : 29/11/2024 at 08:45 - third quarter 2024

In Q1 2014, payroll employment in principally market sectors decreased by 0.1% q-o-q (-21,700 jobs), after +0.1% (+21,000) in the previous quarter. Excluding temporary work, employment rise slightly in Q1 2014 (+ 4,500 jobs).

Drop in temporary employment

Temporary employment felt back this quarter : -4.8% (-26,200 jobs), after +4.4 % in Q4 2013 (+23,000 jobs).

tableau_1Payroll employment change in the competitive sector : thousands …

SA data in thousands
Payroll employment change in the competitive sector : thousands … (SA data in thousands)
Change in 3 months Change in 1 year Level
2013 2014 2014 2014
Q4 Q1 Q1 Q1
Principally market sectors 21,0 –21,7 –44,4 15881,2
Goods-producing industries excl. Construction –8,6 –7,2 –46,3 3169,8
Manufacturing –8,0 –7,9 –46,1 2803,6
Construction –5,5 –4,3 –20,8 1390,1
Services 35,1 –10,2 22,7 11321,2
of which : Temporary employment 23,0 –26,2 –2,5 517,4
Principally non-market sectors (*) 20,3 –3,4 21,2 1975,8
Total competitive sector (*) 41,3 –25,1 –23,3 17857,0

    tableau_2... PercentagePayroll employment in principally market sectors andthe contributions

    SA data in %
    ... PercentagePayroll employment in principally market sectors andthe contributions (SA data in %)
    Change in 3 months Change in 1 year
    2013 2014 2014
    Q4 Q1 Q1
    Principally market sectors 0,1 –0,1 –0,3
    Goods-producing industries excl. Construction –0,3 –0,2 –1,4
    Manufacturing –0,3 –0,3 –1,6
    Construction –0,4 –0,3 –1,5
    Services 0,3 –0,1 0,2
    of which : Temporary employment 4,4 –4,8 –0,5
    Principally non-market sectors (*) 1,0 –0,2 1,1
    Total competitive sector (*) 0,2 –0,1 –0,1
    • (*) Excl. Agriculture and public employees in non-markets sectors (administration, health, education and social activity) ; na : not available
    • Source : INSEE
    • Source : INSEE

    tableau_4Payroll employment change in the competitive sector (*)

    SA data in thousands
    Payroll employment change in the competitive sector (*) (SA data in thousands)
    Code Change in 3 months Change in 1 year Level
    Naf 2013 2014 2014 2014
    rev.2 Q4 Q1 Q1 Q1
    DE Electricity, gas, steam, and air conditioning supply ; water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities –0,5 0,7 –0,2 366,2
    C1 Manufacture of food products beverage and tobacco products 0,6 0,6 –1,5 546,8
    C2 Manufacture of coke, and refined petroleum products 0,0 –0,1 –0,6 9,6
    C3 Manufacture of computer, electronic and electrical products; manufacture of machinery and equipment –1,5 –0,5 –6,8 436,3
    C4 Manufacture of transport equipment –1,7 –2,5 –9,1 355,6
    C5 Other manufacturing –5,4 –5,4 –28,1 1455,3
    FZ Construction –5,5 –4,3 –20,8 1390,1
    GZ Wholesale and retail trade ; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 8,6 2,6 –2,2 3010,1
    HZ Transportation and storage –0,8 –3,4 –7,0 1341,6
    IZ Accommodation and food service activities –0,8 0,3 –3,0 973,7
    JZ Information and communication –1,7 2,6 5,2 708,1
    KZ Financial and insurance activities 0,6 0,0 3,8 847,0
    LZ Real estate activities –0,3 –0,6 –1,8 232,1
    MN Professional, scientific and technical activities; administrative and support service activities 30,4 –13,8 23,8 2929,9
    of which : Temporary employment 23,0 –26,2 –2,5 517,4
    OQ Public administration and defence ; compulsory social security; education; human health and social work activities 20,3 –3,4 21,2 1975,8
    RU Other service activities –1,0 2,1 3,9 1278,8
    • (*) Excl. Agriculture and public employees in non-markets sectors (administration, health, education and social activity)
    • Source : INSEE

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