Informations rapides
13 December 2013
2013- n° 286
In November 2013, slight decrease in oil prices Prices of oil and raw material imports - November 2013

In November, the price of crude oil in euro terms fell moderately (-0.4%), to stand at €79.8 per barrel of Brent. Conversely, prices of imported commodities except energy in euros rose slightly (+1.2%), due to a rise both in raw food materials prices (+1.9%) and in industrial raw materials prices (+0.8%).

In November, the price of crude oil in euro terms fell moderately (-0.4%), to stand at €79.8 per barrel of Brent. Conversely, prices of imported commodities except energy in euros rose slightly (+1.2%), due to a rise both in raw food materials prices (+1.9%) and in industrial raw materials prices (+0.8%).

Slight drop in oil prices in euros

In November, the price of crude oil from the North Sea (Brent) in dollars dipped a little (-1.5% after -2.0%). On account of the decline in the Libyan exportations and despite the mid-term agreement on the Iranian nuclear outlook, it nonetheless remained relatively high ($107.7 on average). In euros, the drop in the Brent price was less marked (-0.4% from –4.0%) because the euro depreciated slightly against the dollar (-1.1%).

Slight rise in industrial raw materials prices

In November, prices of industrial raw materials in euros increased moderately (+0.8% after -1.2% in October). Mineral raw materials prices held steady (-0.1% after –1.4%). Prices of non-ferrous metals further decreased (-1.7% after –4.4%), in particular those of gold (-2.0% after -4.5%) and silver (-4.2% after -4.9%), notably because of the drop in Indian gold importations. Prices of non-ferrous metals dipped as well (-1.2% after -0.5%), especially those of aluminum (–2.4% after +0.8%) whose inventories were high and output in excess. Conversely, prices of iron ore climbed (+4.0% after -3.3%), supported by a high Chinese demand. Prices of agricultural raw materials rose slightly (+3.6% after -0.6%) driven by an increase in wood pulp prices (+2.9% from -0.4%) and in sawn softwood (+7.2% after +1.7%).

Raw food materials prices rise

In November, prices of raw food materials increased (+1.9%) following a fall in October (-3.7%). This could be explained by a significant rise in palm oil prices (+7.3% from +2.9%) : a high worldwide demand for biodiesel supply and lower-than-expected yield in South-East Asia (due to heavy rainfalls) made prices soar. Prices of tropical foodstuffs rose slightly (+0.2% after -0.2%). Prices of arabica (-5.3%) and robusta (-3.8%) dropped due to a favourable crop start , but this decline

was offset by the rise in tea prices (+7.3%).

tabpetroleOil and petroleum products

in euros
Oil and petroleum products (in euros)
Prices Change (%)
of last month over the last month over the last 3 months over the last 12 months
Brent in $ per barrel 107,7 –1,5 –2,2 –1,5
Brent in € per barrel 79,8 –0,4 –3,5 –6,3
Gasoline €/L 0,47 –3,5 –19,3 –20,1
Gas Oil 678,8 –0,2 –3,2 –7,0
Heavy fuel 443,4 0,7 –3,2 –6,7
Naphtha 687,0 3,8 0,7 –5,3
  • Prices are in euros per tonne unless otherwise specified
  • Source : Insee

tabmatpremImported raw materials (excluding energy) in euros

base 100 in 2000
Imported raw materials (excluding energy) in euros (base 100 in 2000)
Index Changes (%)
over the last month over the last 3 months over the last 12 months
Food total 176,3 1,9 –0,9 –10,4
Tropical foodstuffs 144,5 0,2 1,1 –10,9
Oil seeds, vegetable oils 228,3 3,5 –1,6 –9,8
Cereals 148,1 –0,8 –12,6 –34,5
Sugar 147,2 –4,6 4,8 –12,6
Beef meat 118,4 3,1 1,6 2,9
Industrial raw materials 159,3 0,8 –1,4 –9,0
Agricultural raw materials 108,5 3,6 5,5 –0,2
Natural Fibers 119,4 –3,9 –8,0 –1,4
Natural rubber 242,0 –1,0 –4,0 –21,7
Hides 90,2 13,6 9,7 13,9
Wood pulp 90,1 2,9 3,1 5,5
Tropical wood 99,5 1,3 2,6 –4,0
Sawn softwood 102,3 7,2 15,6 7,6
Minerals 186,8 –0,1 –3,6 –11,6
Iron ore 748,0 4,0 –1,8 7,8
Non-ferrous metals 138,7 –1,2 –3,8 –14,0
Precious metals 225,7 –1,7 –6,1 –28,6
All commodities 159,1 1,2 –1,2 –9,5
  • Source : Insee


  • Source : Insee


  • Source : Insee

G_ensemble_angAll commodities

  • Source : Insee

G_indus_angIndustrial raw materials

  • Source : Insee

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