Informations rapides
23 November 2011
2011- n° 281
In November 2011, the business climate in manufacturing industry weakened again Monthly business survey (goods-producing industries) - November 2011

According to the business leaders questioned in November 2011, the industrial economic situation deteriorated anew : the synthetic indicator decreases by two points, after it decreased by two points in October. It is below its long-term average.

Informations rapides
No 281
Paru le :Paru le23/11/2011
Prochaine parution le : 24/10/2024 at 08:45 - October 2024

Manufacturing industry

According to the business leaders questioned in November 2011, the industrial economic situation deteriorated anew : the synthetic indicator decreases by two points, after it decreased by two points in October. It is below its long-term average.

The turning point indicator remains in the unfavorable area .

Business leaders consider that their past activity has slightly recovered in manufacturing industry but the balance of opinion remains below its long-term average. Stocks of finished products are rated as above their normal level. Total order books remain on its long-term level. Export order books decrease markedly in november: they are considered as low.

The personal perspectives of production weaken markedly and they are inferior to their long-term average. The general production outlook, which represents business leaders’ opinion on French industry as a whole, deteriorate again and are below its long-term average.

tableauLeaders' opinion: manufacturing industrial activity

Balance of opinion, s.a, in %
Leaders' opinion: manufacturing industrial activity (Balance of opinion, s.a, in %)
Manufacturing industry Average* Jul. 11 Sept. 11 Oct. 11 Nov. 11
Synthetic index 100 105 99 97 95
Recent changes in output 5 15 4 –0 3
Finished-goods inventory level 13 1 12 14 17
Demand and total order levels –17 –10 –18 –19 –19
Demand and export order levels –12 –5 –15 –19 –26
Personal production expectations 5 6 6 3 –6
General production expectations –8 3 –30 –30 –35
  • * : The average of the balances opinion since 1976.
  • Source : Monthly business survey - INSEE

Graphang1Industrial economic climate - Synthetic Index

Graphang2Turning-point indicator

Graphang3Business leaders' opinion (manufacturing industry)

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