Informations rapides
8 September 2011
2011- n° 217
Prices of second-hand dwellings rise in Q2 (+1.0%) Indexes of prices of second-hand dwellings - 2nd Quarter 2011

In Q2 2011, according to provisional results, prices of second-hand dwellings edged up 1.0% (sa & wda data, of which +2.1% for flats and -0.1% for houses). This rise followed seven others.

Informations rapides
No 217
Paru le :Paru le08/09/2011
Prochaine parution le : 28/11/2024 at 08:45 - third quarter 2024

In Q2 2011, according to provisional results, prices of second-hand dwellings edged up 1.0% (sa & wda data, of which +2.1% for flats and -0.1% for houses). This rise followed seven others.

Year-on-year, prices are up too: +7.7%, of which +10.4% for flats and +5.0% for houses.

Graphique1aPrices of second-hand dwellings

  • Insee, French notaries - Database Bien, Perval society

Tableau1aPrices of second-hand dwellings indexes

Prices of second-hand dwellings indexes
change in
3 months (SA-WDA ) 12 months
2010 Q4 2011 Q1 (sd) 2011 Q2 (p) 2010 Q4 2011 Q1 (sd) 2011 Q2 (p)
France 2,3 1,8 1,0 9,7 8,9 7,7
Flats 2,3 3,3 2,1 9,6 10,4 10,4
Houses 2,2 0,4 –0,1 9,8 7,3 5,0
  • (p) : provisional
  • (sd) : semi-definitive
  • Sources : Insee, French notaries - Database Bien, Perval society

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