Informations rapides
11 January 2011
2011- n° 102274n°246
In December 2010, The prices of the imported commodities have accelerated Prices of oil and raw material imports - December 2010

In December, the price of oil in dollars accelerated (+7.1% after +3.1% in November), reaching $91.3 per barrel of Brent. It was the same for the foreign currency prices for non-energy commodities imported in France (+3.7% after +2.3% in November).

Informations rapides
No 102274n°246
Paru le :Paru le11/01/2011
Prochaine parution le : 20/09/2024 at 12:00 - August 2024

In December, the price of oil in dollars accelerated (+7.1% after +3.1% in November), reaching $91.3 per barrel of Brent. It was the same for the foreign currency prices for non-energy commodities imported in France (+3.7% after +2.3% in November).

The price of oil accelerated

In December, the prices in dollars of oil from the North Sea (Brent) accelerated (+7.1% after 3.1%). The increase in demand, with the harsh winter in the northern hemisphere, supported the increase in the price of oil. In euros, the rise in oil prices was even higher (+10.5%), due to the depreciation of the euro vis-à-vis the dollar (-3.1 %).

The Prices of industrial raw materials continued to rise

In December, the prices of industrial raw materials in foreign currencies have again increased (+2.9% after +1.7%). The prices of the mineral raw materials rose again (+2.7%) after stagnating in November, reflecting the rebound in the prices of nonferrous metals (+3.0% after -0.2%), in particularly cooper (+7.9%) and nickel (+5.2%). In contrast, the prices of precious metals have somewhat slowed (+4.2% after +4.9%), including palladium (+10.9% after +14.4%) and silver (+10.7% after +13.3%).

The increase in the prices of agro-industrial raw materials was moderated in December after a sharp rise in November (+3.6% after +6.5%). The prices of natural textile fibers slowed (+7.7% after 21.0%), notably cotton (+8.3% after +23.1%) as well as the courses of sawn wood of conifers (+3.9% after 11.8%).

The increase of the prices of raw food materials imported reinforced

In December, the prices of raw food in foreign currencies have accelerated (+5.2% after +3.6%), in particularly cereals (+6.0% after +2.0%) and beef meat (+2.0% after +0.6%). The prices of tropical beverages have also accelerated (+5.9% after +2.4%), due to the rebound in prices of tea and cocoa. Finally, the prices of oilseeds, vegetable oils and sugar grew at the same pace as in December.

tabpetroleOil and petroleum products

in dollar
Oil and petroleum products (in dollar)
Prices Change (%)
of last month over the last month over the last 3 months over the last 12 months
Brent in $ per barrel 91,3 7,1 17,4 22,6
Brent in € per barrel 69,1 10,5 16,3 35,2
Gasoline 828,6 7,7 17,3 24,7
Gas Oil 759,4 4,6 12,9 24,7
Heavy fuel 458,8 1,9 9,6 8,3
Naphta 840,4 7,7 24,4 23,3
  • Prices are in dollars per tonne unless otherwise specified
  • Source : INSEE

tabmatpremImported raw materials (excluding energy) in domestic currency

base 100 in 2000
Imported raw materials (excluding energy) in domestic currency (base 100 in 2000)
Index Changes (%)
over last month over the last 3 months over the last 12 months
Food total 262,6 5,2 13,9 14,8
Tropical beverages 266,7 5,9 11,3 2,5
Oil seeds, vegetable oils 298,4 5,5 18,6 25,0
Cereals 276,8 6,0 17,2 14,4
Sugar 382,7 7,6 31,4 25,2
Beef meat 140,8 2,0 1,0 16,8
Industrial raw materials 361,7 2,9 9,5 70,8
Agricultural raw materials 173,3 3,6 15,8 32,4
Natural Fibers 319,7 7,7 56,1 104,0
Natural rubber 581,9 10,3 37,0 52,9
Hides 113,4 –0,5 2,1 20,0
Wood pulp 137,4 –1,6 –3,0 17,5
Tropical wood 149,0 1,2 2,4 12,6
Sawn softwood 110,9 3,9 23,1 29,6
Minerals 442,4 2,7 7,4 72,1
Iron ore 632,2 0,0 –11,2 80,3
Non-ferrous metals 439,3 3,0 10,3 65,2
Precious metals 384,3 4,2 17,6 33,8
All commodities 298,6 3,7 11,0 52,6
  • Source : INSEE



  • Source : INSEE
  • Source : INSEE

G_ensemble_angAll commodities

  • Source : INSEE

G_indus_angIndustrial raw materials

  • Source : INSEE

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