Informations rapides
9 July 2010
2010- n° 180
The commodities prices continued to decline in June Prices of oil and raw material imports - June 2010

In June, the price of oil fell again (-1.3% after -10.7% in May) and stood on average at $ 74.7 per barrel.

Informations rapides
No 180
Paru le :Paru le09/07/2010

In June, the price of oil fell again (-1.3% after -10.7% in May) and stood on average at $ 74.7 per barrel.

Prices for non-energy commodities imported by France declined again (-4.5% in foreign currencies, after -6.3% in May).

The price of oil continued to decline

In June, the dollar price of oil from the North Sea (Brent) decreased again (-1.3% after -10.7% in May). Conversely, in euros, the price increased slightly (+1.3 %) due to the depreciation of euro vis-à-vis the dollar (-2.6 %).

The Prices of industrial raw materials continued their decline

In June, the prices of industrial raw materials in foreign currencies were down again (-5.8% after -8.9% in May). On the one hand, the prices of mineral materials decreased (-5.4%). Those of non-ferrous metals prices were down  (-6.7%), including nickel (-11,9%), zinc (-11.5%) and lead (-9.5%), in conjunction with a slowing chinese economy. The price of precious metals declined slightly (-0.2%) due to the declines in prices of platinum (-4.3%) and palladium (-6.7 %) while the price of gold rose (+2.3 %.

On the other hand, the prices of agricultural raw materials also declined (-7.0 %). The falling in the prices of sawn softwood (-23.9%) was somewhat compensated by higher prices for natural fiber textiles (+2.6%) and wood pulp (+1.9%).

Continued decline in the prices of raw food materials

In June, prices of raw food in foreign currencies fell again (-1.8% after -0.8% in May). The decline in the prices of cereals accentuated (-3.6% after -0.5% in May). In partcular, corn prices fell by 4.8% due to a higher production than expected in the U.S.A. Oilseeds and vegetable oils prices also decreased (-1.0%), including those of sunflower oil (-2.5%) and olive oil (-3.4%). In contrast, the prices of tropicals beverages rebounded (+3.2% after -0.8% in May), due to higher coffee prices (+11.9% for arabica and +7.8% for robusta). The price of sugar also recovered (+8.3 % after -9.4 in May).

tabpetroleOil and petroleum products

in dollar
Oil and petroleum products (in dollar)
Prices Changes (%)
of last month over the last month over the last 3 months over the last 12 months
Brent in $ per barrel 74,7 –1,3 –5,2 9,1
Brent in € per barrel 61,1 1,3 5,3 25,1
Gasoline 703,7 –2,6 –8,7 3,3
Gas Oil 657,7 0,7 –1,8 17,5
Heavy fuel 408,5 –2,7 –6,1 11,2
Naphta 651,9 –4,5 –10,6 15,7
  • Prices are in dollars per tonne unless otherwise specified
  • Source: INSEE

tabmatpremImported raw materials (excluding energy) in domestic currency

base 100 in 2000
Imported raw materials (excluding energy) in domestic currency (base 100 in 2000)
Index Changes (%)
over last month over the last 3 months over the last 12 months
Food total 209,1 –1,8 –2,3 2,1
Tropical beverages 237,7 3,2 6,2 13,4
Oil seeds, vegetable oils 219,5 –1,0 –3,3 –5,3
Cereals 196,3 –3,6 –10,2 –15,8
Sugar 194,1 8,3 –17,9 1,7
Beef meat 135,6 –10,2 –3,5 10,7
Industrial raw materials 216,5 –5,8 –6,0 33,5
Agricultural raw materials 141,3 –7,0 –7,2 37,9
Natural Fibers 181,8 2,6 4,8 45,9
Natural rubber 384,1 1,6 –10,0 66,8
Hides 117,0 1,5 11,8 98,1
Wood pulp 142,0 1,9 9,6 58,0
Tropical wood 139,8 0,7 6,3 1,6
Sawn softwood 80,6 –23,9 –25,6 7,5
Minerals 255,3 –5,4 –5,5 31,9
Iron ore 612,7 0,0 74,7 74,7
Non-ferrous metals 219,3 –6,7 –13,7 26,3
Precious metals 310,3 –0,2 6,1 31,4
All commodities 208,4 –4,5 –4,7 20,6
  • Source: INSEE


  • Source: INSEE


  • Source: INSEE

G_ensemble_angAll commodities

  • Source: INSEE

G_indus_angIndustrial raw materials

  • Source: INSEE

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