Informations rapides
29 July 2010
2010- n° 195
In June, stability of French PPI on the domestic market, but increase of imported products prices Industrial Producer and Import Price Indices - June 2010

The French producer prices in industry on the French market remained stable in June, in particular those of manufactured products (+0.0 %), after a slight progress (+0.4 %) in May. As for the mining and quarrying, energy and water products, they decreased slightly (–0.2 %), after a more marked withdrawal (–2.4 %) the previous month.

Informations rapides
No 195
Paru le :Paru le29/07/2010
Prochaine parution le : 27/09/2024 at 08:45 - August 2024

Producer price indices in French industry


The French producer prices in industry on the French market remained stable in June, in particular those of manufactured products (+0.0 %), after a slight progress (+0.4 %) in May. As for the mining and quarrying, energy and water products, they decreased slightly (–0.2 %), after a more marked withdrawal (–2.4 %) the previous month.

Contrasted moves for refined petroleum products prices

As in May, the change of refined petroleum products prices (+0.0 % after +0.8 %) covered contrasted moves: diesel oil prices stood up (+2.6 %) while kerosene prices weakened.

Lifelessness of food products prices

After a slight progression in May (+0.4 %), food products prices remained once again stable in June. This stability is quite general except bakery and farinaceous products (-0.9 %) and prepared animal feeds (+0.8 %).

The prices of computer, electronic, electrical equipment progressed moderately

The prices of computer, electronic, electrical equipment progressed again moderately (+0.4 % after +0.3 % in May). The moves were notable for the electronic components (+3.0 %) and the communication equipments. They were explained by the decline of euro exchange rate vs. dollar.

While transport equipment prices weakened

The prices transport equipment decreased slightly (–0.3 %) after several months of quasi-stability, due to the parts and accessories for motor vehicles (-0.9 %).


On the external markets, the French producer prices rised slightly (+0.3 %). The progresses were once again noticeable for other manufactured products (+0.5 % after +1.0 %) and for food products (+1.1 % after +0.8%), notably for milk and diary products (+1.7 %) and for cocoa, chocolate and sugar confectionery (+6.2 %), in a context of worldwide rise of sugar and cocoa prices.


On all markets, the French producer prices were still almost stable in June (+0.1 %). Year-to-year, the increase reached +3.4 % instead of +3.8 % in May, the yearly move of refined petroleum products coming down from +45.3 % to +28.5 %.

Import prices indices of industrial products: +0.7 %

In June, the prices of imported industrial products progressed by +0.7 %, after a global stability in May (+0.1 %). In a context of depreciation of euro vs. dollar, manufactured products prices progressed markedly, as well as crude petroleum products prices.

Graphique1_ENTotal Industry price indices

Graphique2_ENProducer price indices of manufactured products sold on the french market

Graphique3_ENImport price indices of manufactured products

Tableau1French Producer Price Indices in industry according to the market where the products are sold:

base and reference year: 2005
French Producer Price Indices in industry according to the market where the products are sold: (base and reference year: 2005)
Change in %
Levels A 10 and A 17 in CPF rev. 2, 2008 Weight Jun.10 In 1 month In 1 year
French market
BE:TOTAL INDUSTRY 1000 108.7 0.0 3.5
(DE) Mining and quarrying, energy, water 130 118.1 –0.2 6.1
CZ: Manufactured prod. 870 107.3 0.0 3.2
(C1) Food products, beverages, tobacco 188 102.8 0.0 –0.8
(C2) Coke and refined petroleum products 70 123.2 0.0 30.7
(C3) Electrical & electronic equip., computers, mach. 92 108.7 0.4 –0.1
(C4) Transport equipment 79 104.0 –0.3 0.3
(C5) Other man. products 441 107.0 0.0 2.1
Foreign markets
BE:TOTAL INDUSTRY 1000 103.9 0.3 2.9
CZ: Manufactured prod. s 103.6 0.4 2.6
(C1) Food products, beverages, tobacco 82 109.0 1.1 1.1
(C2) Coke and refined petroleum products 25 165.5 0.1 19.0
(C3) Electrical & electronic equip., computers, mach. 202 95.9 –0.1 –1.9
(C4) Transport equipment 211 100.4 0.2 0.9
(C5) Other man. products s 104.1 0.5 4.5
All markets
BE:TOTAL INDUSTRY 1000 107.2 0.1 3.4
CZ: Manufactured prod. s 106.0 0.1 3.0
(C1) Food products, beverages, tobacco 154 103.8 0.2 –0.4
(C2) Coke and refined petroleum products 56 129.2 0.0 28.5
(C3) Electrical & electronic equip., computers, mach. 127 102.2 0.2 –1.0
(C4) Transport equipment 121 102.0 0.0 0.6
(C5) Other man. products s 106.0 0.1 2.8

    Tableau2Import prices of industrial products

    base and reference year: 2005
    Import prices of industrial products (base and reference year: 2005)
    Change en %
    Levels A 10 and A 17 of nomenclature CPF rev. 2, 2008 Weight Jun.10 In 1 month In 1 year
    BE:TOTAL INDUSTRY 1000 111.4 0.7 7.5
    CZ: Manufactured prod. s 104.5 0.5 4.6
    (C1) Food products, beverages, tobacco 69 115.1 0.6 2.5
    (C2) Coke and refined petroleum products 41 125.7 1.3 25.8
    (C3) Electrical & electronic equip., computers, mach. 210 95.1 0.4 0.7
    (C4) Transport equipment 133 100.4 0.1 –0.5
    (C5) Other manufactured products s 106.7 0.6 6.4
    • r: updated ; nd: non available ; s : confidential

    Tableau3Revision of each index at total industry level

    Revision of the monthly change (in %)
    Revision of each index at total industry level (Revision of the monthly change (in %))
    Mar.10 / Feb.10 Apr.10 / Mar.10 May 10 / Apr.10
    French producer prices in industry sold on:
    - the French market // –0.1 //
    - the foreign markets // // //
    - all markets // // //
    Import prices of industrial products // +0.1 +0.1(1)
    • (1) Reading note: the evolution of the index between Apr.10 and May 10 published last month was equal to 0 %. It is updated to 0.1 %; that is to say a revision of +0.1 %.

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