Informations rapides
27 April 2010
2010- n° 115
In April, households confirm their pessimism (–3 points) Monthly consumer confidence survey - April 2010

In April 2010, the consumer confidence indicator decreases again: it loses 3 points (s.a. data) with respect to March*. This indicator has been decreasing since the beginning of the year.

Informations rapides
No 115
Paru le :Paru le27/04/2010
Prochaine parution le : 25/09/2024 at 08:45 - September 2024

In April 2010, the consumer confidence indicator decreases again: it loses 3 points (s.a. data) with respect to March*. This indicator has been decreasing since the beginning of the year.

Components of the confidence indicator

Expected general economic situation deteriorates anew

In April, households appreciation of past general economic situation still decreases (–1 point with respect to March). Above all, the opinion on the expected general economic situation deteriorates (–4 points) after an already steep decrease in March (-6 points). Households are also more pessimistic about their own financial situation: the balance on expectations looses 2 points while the one on the past personal financial situation looses 1 point. Households are also less numerous to report a positive opinion on the timeliness to make major purchases (–3 points).

Graph1_englishSummary consumer confidence indicator

Other opinion balances

Future unemployment: fears remain

In April, households are slightly more numerous to expect an increase in unemployment (+1 point after +4 in March). Fears had been dispelling in the second semester of 2009 but they slightly rekindle since the beginning of the year.

Inflation’s appreciation: higher than its long term average

In April, households report that past inflation has increased: the corresponding balance of opinion gains 6 points. The expected inflation balance of opinion also increases (+4 points). These two balances are now little above their long term average.

Current financial situation of households is stable

Households’ opinion about their current financial situation is stable and remains higher than its long term value.

Households believe that their capacity to save worsens (–1 point). In addition, their saving intentions goes down by 1 point as well.

english_tempoConsumer opinion

Balance of responses, seasonally ajusted
Consumer opinion (Balance of responses, seasonally ajusted)
Average* Jan. Feb. March. Apr.
Summary indicator –18 –30 –33 –34 –37
Financial situation, past 12 months –17 –21 –25 –24 –25
Financial situation, next 12 months –1 –11 –12 –13 –15
General economic situation, past 12 months –39 –62 –67 –68 –69
General economic situation, next 12 months –21 –36 –36 –42 –46
Major purchases intentions, next 12 months –13 –21 –25 –24 –27
  • * average value since 1987

chomage_enHouseholds' unemployment expectations

prix_enHouseholds' perception of prices

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