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5 January 2010
2010- n° 1
In December, consumers are less confident about their future economic situation Monthly consumer confidence survey - December 2009

In December 2009, the seasonally adjusted summary consumer confidence indicator decreased for the first time in four months (–1 point)*. The indicator which was recovering since 2008 from a historically low confidence, remains close to slack levels of the last 15 years (1995, 1996 or 2005).

Informations rapides
No 1
Paru le :Paru le05/01/2010
Prochaine parution le : 25/09/2024 at 08:45 - September 2024

In December 2009, the seasonally adjusted summary consumer confidence indicator decreased for the first time in four months (–1 point)*. The indicator which was recovering since 2008 from a historically low confidence, remains close to slack levels of the last 15 years (1995, 1996 or 2005).

Confidence indicator components: pessimism about the future

In December, households appreciation of past general economic situation was stable, but the expected situation declined (-2 points). Households were also more pessimistic about their expected personal financial situation ( –2 points), while their appreciation of their past personnal financial situation went up (+2 points). The balance on the current environment for major purchases also decreased (–1 point).

Graph1_englishSummary consumer confidence indicator

Other balances

Concerns about future unemployment slowly diminish

In December, households expectations about unemployment decreased by 1 point. Concerns about future unemployment are brought back to levels already reached on average in 2003.

Inflation’s appreciation steadily low

In December, perception of past inflation slightly increased and expected inflation went up (+3 points), getting closer to its average value.

Financial situation and savings

Households’ opinion about their current financial situation remained higher than its long term value but lost 1 point.

Households believed that their capacity to save improved (+2 points). But, even if it is higher than its long term value, their saving intentions remained lower than its average value and lost 3 points.

english_tempoConsumer opinion

Balance of responses, seasonally ajusted
Consumer opinion (Balance of responses, seasonally ajusted)
Average* Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
Summary indicator –18 –35 –34 –30 –31
Financial situation, past 12 months –17 –25 –24 –22 –20
Financial situation, next 12 months –1 –11 –12 –8 –10
General economic situation, past 12 months –39 –72 –70 –66 –66
General economic situation, next 12 months –20 –41 –40 –36 –37
Major purchases intentions, next 12 months –13 –27 –24 –19 –20
  • * average value since 1987

chomage_enHouseholds' unemployment expectations

prix_enHouseholds' perception of prices

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