Informations rapides
27 October 2009
2009- n° 280
In October, consumers’ confidence indicator continues its slow recovery Monthly consumer confidence survey - October 2009

In October 2009, the seasonally adjusted summary consumer confidence indicator increased by one point. It has increased by mor than 10 points since June 2008. Yet, it remains lower than its long term level.

Informations rapides
No 280
Paru le :Paru le27/10/2009
Prochaine parution le : 25/09/2024 at 08:45 - September 2024

In October 2009, the seasonally adjusted summary consumer confidence indicator increased by one point. It has increased by mor than 10 points since June 2008. Yet, it remains lower than its long term level.

Confidence indicator components

The appreciation by households of past and expected general economic situation slightly increased in October. Fewer households consider their personal financial position to have worsened during the past 12 months. However, they are less optimistic about their futur financial position. The balance on the current environment for major purchases is improving but remains lower than its long term level.

Unemployment expectations decrease

Households expectations about unemployment are deacresing for the fourth month in a row. These expectations remain high since June was historically high.

Inflation expectations are still low

Perception of futur and past consumer prices inflation remains low compared to historical levels. This situation lasts for roughly one year.

Tableau 2Consumer opinion

Balance of responses, seasonally ajusted
Consumer opinion (Balance of responses, seasonally ajusted)
Average July August Sept. Oct.
Summary indicator -18 -38 -37 -36 -35
Financial situation, past 12 months -17 -25 -25 -26 -25
Financial situation, next 12 months -1 -13 -13 -12 -13
General economic situation, past 12 months -39 -75 -74 -72 -71
General economic situation, next 12 months -20 -48 -44 -42 -40
Major purchases intentions, next 12 months -13 -28 -28 -27 -24
  • * average value since 1987

chomage_enHouseholds' unemployment expectations

prix_enHouseholds' perception of prices

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