Informations rapides
27 January 2010
2010- n° 29
Production capacity more intensely used in Q4 2009 in manufacturing industry Quarterly business survey (goods-producing industries) - january 2010

According to the business leaders questioned to the quarterly survey of January 2010, the balance of opinion regarding global demand increased strongly, coming back so to its long-term average. Looking at business leader’s expectations, demand outlook for Q1 2010 remain however inferior to its long-term average.

Informations rapides
No 29
Paru le :Paru le27/01/2010
Prochaine parution le : 24/10/2024 at 08:45 - October 2024

Manufacturing industry

According to the business leaders questioned to the quarterly survey of January 2010, the balance of opinion regarding global demand increased strongly, coming back so to its long-term average. Looking at business leader’s expectations, demand outlook for Q1 2010 remain however inferior to its long-term average.

Export demand stayed near to its average trend, after a strong increase in Q3. It would deteriorate in the next months nevertheless.

Production capacity was more intensely used in Q4 2009: the proportion of businesses encountering production bottlenecks rose eight points.

According to the business leaders, the fall of industrial manpower attenuated in Q4 2009. Looking at business leader’s expectations, the decline in employment is expected to be less marked again over the next three months.

tableauBusiness leaders' opinion : Demand and production factors

Balance of opinion, s.a, in %
Business leaders' opinion : Demand and production factors (Balance of opinion, s.a, in %)
Manufacturing industry Moy.* Apr. 09 Jul. 09 Oct. 09 Jan. 10
Total demand
Recent changes 0 –58 –36 –14 –2
Expected change 0 –37 –18 –9 –9
Export demand
Recent changes 2 –61 –39 3 1
Expected change 4 –33 –7 1 –14
Production factors
Share of firms producing at full capacity (in%) 21 11 7 14 22
Opinion on production capacity 16 40 35 35 31
Productive capacity utilization rate (in %) 84 70 71 74 73
Difficulties of supply and demand
Difficulties of supply and demand 7 14 15 11 10
Difficulties of supply 19 6 6 7 6
Difficulties of demand 46 62 62 63 64
  • * : Long period average.
  • Source : Quarterly business survey - INSEE

Graph1angRecent changes in demand

Graph3angWorkforce in manufacturing industry

Graph4angCompetitive position

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