Informations rapides
20 October 2009
2009- n° 268
An increase in enterprise births in September 2009 Enterprise births - September 2009

Warning: from the current issue, only enterprise births excluding self-managed enterprises (SME) serie is seasonally adjusted. In order to get a total of enterprise births, the raw number of SME is added. The SME serie is too short to be properly deseasonalized

Informations rapides
No 268
Paru le :Paru le20/10/2009
Prochaine parution le : 20/09/2024 at 08:45 - August 2024

Warning : from the current issue, only enterprise births excluding self-managed enterprises (SME) serie is seasonally adjusted. In order to get a total of enterprise births, the raw number of SME is added. The SME serie is too short to be properly deseasonalized

In September 2009, the number of enterprise births increased compared to August: +21.1% for enterprise births except self-managed enterprises (seasonally and working-day adjusted data); +38.6% when the number of self-managed enterprises (raw data) is added.

+80.3% quarter-on-quarter

The amount of entries, added up July, August and September 2009, went up 80.3% compared to the same quarter one year before.

The sectors that most contributed to that raise are service activities and wholesale and retail trade.

+47.2% year-on-year

During the last twelve months, the number of births climbed by 47.2% year-on-year.

230,649 self-managed enterprises at the end of September 2009

From January to September 2009, more than one out of two births enterprises were self-managed enterprises (230,649).

Tableau 2Enterprise births from June to September

Enterprise births from June to September
June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 Sept. 2009
Excl. self-managed enterprises (sa-wda) 21 200 20 562 20 257 24 531
Variation [m-o-m] % 9.0 -3.0 -1.5 21.1
Incl. self-managed enterprises (raw data) 51 197 46 555 40 809 56 548
Variation [m-o-m] % 7.3 -9.1 -12.3 38.6
  • * Seasonally and working-day adjusted data
  • Source: INSEE (Sirene)

Tableau 3Enterprise births by type

Raw data
Enterprise births by type (Raw data)
Moving total % change* on Moving total Moving total
3 months 12 months January-August 2009 January-August 2008
Total 80.3 47.2 425 769 258 117
Companies -8.2 -10.9 110 946 125 032
Individual enterprises 166.0 102.8 314 823 133 085
Of which self-managed // // 230 649 //
  • * Total of enterprises births during the last 3 or 12 months compared with the same months a year earlier.
  • // = meaningless.
  • Source: INSEE (Sirene)

Graph1Enterprise births

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