Informations rapides
22 September 2009
2009- n° 239
An increase in enterprise births in August 2009 Enterprise births - August 2009

In August 2009, the number of enterprises births increased by +2.1% compared to July (seasonally and working-day adjusted data).

Informations rapides
No 239
Paru le :Paru le22/09/2009
Prochaine parution le : 20/09/2024 at 08:45 - August 2024

Warning : month-on-month seasonally adjusted data are less significant since the beginning of 2009 with the introduction of self-managed enterprises births.

In August 2009, the number of enterprises births increased by +2.1% compared to July (seasonally and working-day adjusted data).

The sectors that most contributed to that raise were construction and household services.

Nota Bene: these data include self-managed enterprises.

+73.9% quarter-on-quarter

The amount of entries, added up June, July and August 2009 went up (+73.9%), compared to the same quarter one year before.

The sectors that most contributed to that raise were service activities and wholesale and retail trade.

+40% year-on-year

During the last twelve months, the number of births climbed by 40% year-on-year.

198,819 self-managed enterprises at the end of August 2009

From January to August 2009, more than one out of two births enterprises were self-managed enterprises (198,819).

Graph1ENBirths enterprises – s.a. and w-d.a. data

Tableau 2Births entreprises from May to August

Seasonally and working-day adjusted data
Births entreprises from May to August (Seasonally and working-day adjusted data)
May 2009 Juin 2009 Juillet 2009 Août 2009
Total 48 346 50 950 46 380 47 361
Variation [m-o-m] % -2.5 5.4 -9.0 2.1
  • Source: INSEE (Sirene)

Tableau 4Births entreprises by type

Raw data
Births entreprises by type (Raw data)
Moving total % change* on Moving total Moving total
3 months 12 months January-August 2009 January-August 2008
Total 73.9 40.0 373 382 231 896
Companies -11.7 -10.5 99 119 112 990
Individual enterprises 161.2 76.7 274 263 118 906
Of which self-managed // // 198 819 //
  • * Total of enterprises births during the last 3 or 12 months compared with the same months a year earlier.
  • // = sans objet.
  • Source: INSEE (Sirene)

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