Brighter world prospects, Europe still in the shadows Conjoncture in France - March 2013

Cédric Audenis, Jean-François Ouvrard, Élodie Pereira, Dorian Roucher

Conjoncture in France
Paru le :Paru le21/03/2013
Conjoncture in France- March 2013

General outlook : Brighter world prospects, Europe still in the shadows

In Q1 2013, a marked upturn in activity can be expected in the advanced economies (+0.4%, but their activity should be held back in Q2 2013 (+0.2%). In France, activity should be almost stable in H1 2013(0.0% in Q1 then +0.1% in Q2).

Conjoncture in France

Paru le :21/03/2013