Économie et Statistique n° 388-389 - 2005 Training-Employment (II): Training and Quality of Employment

Economie et Statistique
Paru le :Paru le01/06/2006
Frédéric Lainé
Economie et Statistique- June 2006

The transition from a training specialization to a profession: the construction industry, the hotel, catering and food industry, and business

Frédéric Lainé

The link between training and profession goes beyond a process of simply matching skills. It is possible to access the same profession by more than one training specialization route. Three professional areas which illustrate a clear link between training specialization and job (the construction industry, the hotel, catering and food industry, and business) form a basis for analysis. In addition to initial training specialization, there are other factors that can determine the profession chosen by young people at the beginning of their working lives. Social and national origins bring with them social and cultural backgrounds that undoubtedly influence professional choices. The possibilities offered by the regional labour market and the relative position of men and women in the professional arena are factors also at play here. Those who undertake apprenticeships or gain professional experience whilst studying are likely to end up in a profession closely linked to their training specialization. At the other end of the scale, the absence of profession-specific experience can be compensated for by previous professional experience or by continuous training. New entrants who lack direct training in their specialization are undoubtedly at a disadvantage, with a tendency towards periods of unemployment and inactivity, job insecurity and part-time employment. The wage difference between these and other new entrants is however fairly small, and varies greatly according to profession. The fact that the majority of these new entrants occupy jobs where their training specialization is irrelevant helps to explain their professional dissatisfaction.

Economie et Statistique

No 388-389

Paru le :01/06/2006