Économie et Statistique n° 362 - 2003  Measuring the Growth in Mobile Telphone Service Prices - Employment Survey

Economie et Statistique
Paru le :Paru le01/07/2003
Pauline Givord
Economie et Statistique- July 2003

A New Employment Survey

Pauline Givord

A new Employment Survey took over from the old survey in 2003. The data for this new survey are now collected throughout the year instead of being con-centrated in just one month of the year as previously. This means that employment and unem-ployment evaluations can now be quarterly rather than just annual as before. The Employment Survey questionnaire has also been amended to bring it into line with European harmonisation and to allow for a more accurate description of employment. Last but not least, the new survey provides representative estimates of the entire population of mainland France, including people living in institutions who were previously excluded from the survey's cove-rage. The annual Employment Survey was conducted for the last time in March 2002 when data collection for the new survey had already started. A comparison of the estimates provided by the annual survey in March and the new survey in the first quarter measures any deviation between the estimates they provide. Employment and unemployment measurement differences prove to be minimal. The new survey is representative of a larger population (including individuals living in institutions) and therefore naturally finds more economically active individuals. However, the estimate of the number of job seekers provided by the ongoing quarterly survey is higher than the annual survey's estimate made for just March, since unemployment was higher in January and February than in March.

Economie et Statistique

No 362

Paru le :01/07/2003