Économie et Statistique n° 361 - 2003  Prices - Education - Employment - Society

Economie et Statistique
Paru le :Paru le01/06/2003
Nicolas Herpin
Economie et Statistique- June 2003

Male heights: their effect on living in a couple and careers

Nicolas Herpin

Fewer short men live in a couple. This situation is not due to their social condition. Although manual employees are shorter on average than executives, the effects of height on setting up in a couple are just as intense in both social contexts. Height is an economic asset for men. Given constant qualifications, tall men have a better professional career since they are given more management responsibilities. Height is not only considered as an early indicator of the household's future resources when couples are formed. The partner's choice is influenced by a social standard with which it is harder for short men to comply: the physical match of couples.

Economie et Statistique

No 361

Paru le :01/06/2003