Économie et Statistique n° 357-358 - 2002  Employment - Social Transfers - Pensions - Industry - Environmental Goods Evaluation

Economie et Statistique
Paru le :Paru le01/02/2003
Pierre Granier et Xavier Joutard
Economie et Statistique- February 2003

The influence of receiving the minimum integration income on returning to work

Pierre Granier et Xavier Joutard

The influence of receiving the minimum integration income on the possibility of exiting from unemployment is studied using the data collected by the Employment surveys. A test group is constructed containing eligible individuals who do not receive the benefit. Young people, long-term unemployed and lone parent families in this eligible population use the mechanism most frequently. The differences in the recipients' financial incentives by family configuration are not found in the possibility of leaving unemployment. The influence of receiving a benefit is significant and negative only for lone parent families. Nevertheless, sampling errors due to the imperfect quality of the data could bias the estimates, but it is hard to identify the direction of this bias. The influence of the minimum integration income could affect labour market participation behaviour more than the possibility of leaving unemployment for active job seekers.

Economie et Statistique

No 357-358

Paru le :01/02/2003