Information and daily life survey 


Paru le :Paru le06/03/2025

The Information et Vie Quotidienne (IVQ) survey covers the measurement of fundamental skills in literacy (reading words, writing words and understanding a simple text) and numeracy (calculations).

The main purpose is to examine whether the people questioned have a sufficient degree of mastery to seek information and deal with changes in the world of work and daily life.

The IVQ survey makes it possible to measure situations of illiteracy, to know the profile of sub-populations in difficulty, to study the determinants of skills in adulthood (school career, practice of reading, situation of the respondent during childhood...) and, finally, to assess the influence of skills on personal and professional life.

Two editions of the Information et Vie Quotidienne (IVQ) survey took place, in 2004 (preceded by a pilot in 2002) and in 2011.

The surveys previously carried out by INSEE on illiteracy were based on a declarative basis: the person surveyed indicated whether they had difficulty reading newspapers, filling out a check, etc. IVQ surveys are based on tests or exercises to measure these skills more objectively.

The 2011 edition followed the same protocol as the 2004 survey.

In 2022, a "Daily life skills" module was introduced in the Lifelong Learning survey (FLV) in order to reproduce the key indicators of the IVQ survey.

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