Permanent living conditions survey
EPCV scheme
EPCV scheme
The objectives of this survey is :
- to obtain social indicators (non-monetary that can be interlinked) with an annual
- to cover certain topics within the field of living conditions in greater detail.
It includes variable parts by using variable modules which can be:
- Isolated, with a view to exploring a new field (e.g. local services, "happiness
and work", community life, health-related behaviours and the voluntary sector);
- Repeated and revisited developments in topics (holidays, environment, new technologies, etc.)
which need to be monitored on a regular basis (usually 4 or 5 years).
This survey was carried out from 1996 to 2006
Documentation par millésimes
Punctual or aperiodic
- Health Survey
- Household annual survey on information and communication technologies
- Victimisation survey - living environment and security