Survey on networks in services

Paru le :Paru le17/09/2024

The survey on networks in services in 2007 aims, essentially, to estimate the number of units and the activity of legally-independent enterprises organised into networks, which are the subject of cooperation agreements (franchises, cooperatives, concessions, purchasing groups, etc.).

It is used to perform a census of the networks of ensigns with at least seven establishments in the forty or so service sectors organised into networks.

By approaching the network head companies, it is possible to improve understanding of this form of organisation and estimate the weight of this form of organisation per major service sector.

This information is repeatedly requested by professionals, who want to know the weight of this form of organisation in all the tertiary sectors.

The survey on networks in services backs up a programme of surveys conducted in 2006 and 2007 on the whole retail trade sector.

It constitutes a first stage of the operation for the continuous monitoring of networks in services: this monitoring involves the creation and updating of a list of the main networks and their head companies.

The survey has followed on from the pilot surveys conducted in the clothing sector (in 1995), DIY (in 1997), an "ensign network head" company survey conducted in 2000 covering all retail trade and the survey on networks in retail trade conducted in two waves (2006 and 2007).

Documentation par millésimes


Punctual or aperiodic
