Survey Homelessness 2025

Paru le :Paru le14/02/2025

Présentation statistique

Data description

The main objectives of the Sans Domicile 2025 survey are to :

  • Describe the characteristics of the homeless and the houseless : the aim is notably to compare homeless people with the population living in ordinary housing in areas such as health, employment and standard of living;

  • Describe difficulties in accessing housing, as well as the trajectories that led people into homelessness, in order to identify exclusion processes;

  • Estimate the number of homeless people.

The survey foresees two types of questionnaire : a short questionnaire (15 to 20 minutes) translated into a number of languages (to be defined), and a long questionnaire (around 1 hour). Those questionnaires covers a wide range of topics : socio-demographic information on the respondent and his/her family, housing and labor market situation, income, benefits and debt, non-use of social assistance, health and access to care, living conditions, and elements relating to the person's life course.

Statistical concepts and definitions

For the purposes of the survey of people using shelters or free food services, a person is classified as "homeless" on a given day if, on the previous night of the survey, he or she had used an accommodation service or slept in a place not intended for habitation (street, makeshift shelter).

Statistical unit

The statistical unit is the provision of a service (meal or accommodation or night shelter) on a given day: this is a "service provided * survey day" pair, which in practice means surveying the recipients of the services in question on a given day.

Statistical population

The scope of the survey is made up of adults using the services frequented by homeless people (notably accommodation and meal distribution services, and potentially itinerant services - or maraudes - and day shelters).

More specifically, the scope covers people attending the following services:

  • Centre d'Hébergement et de Réinsertion Sociale or CHRS

  • Other shelters centres, like emergency shelters

  • Mother and child centers

  • social hotel

  • working communities (Emmaüs in particular)

  • Appartements de Coordination Thérapeutique (ACT)

  • health care beds, nursing beds (LHSS, LAM)

  • Résidence Hôtelière à Vocation Sociale (RHVS)

  • Shelters for asylum seekers (CADA, PRAHDA, HUDA, CAES, CPH)

  • Night shelters without accommodation

  • Meal distribution (lunch, dinner or breakfast), indoors or outdoors

  • Day shelters

  • Maraudes

  • Accueil de rue

Regional extensions

The Homeless 2025 survey covers mainland France.

The precise geographical scope of the survey is currently being defined.

Time coverage


Base period

spring 2025