Statistics on income and living conditions 2021 

EU - SILC - 2021

Paru le :Paru le26/07/2024

Présentation statistique

Data description

The European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) is an annual instrument aiming at collecting timely and comparable cross-sectional and longitudinal multidimensional microdata on income, poverty, social exclusion and living conditions. This instrument is anchored in the European Statistical System (ESS). The SRCV survey (Statistiques sur les ressources et conditions de vie) is the French component of EU-color-rgb(23,25,28)SILC.color-rgb(23,25,28) In addition to the annual questionnaire, are collected thematic module variables every three year, six year or ad-hoc new ponctual needs modules.

The EU-SILC instrument provides two types of data:

  • Cross-sectional data pertaining to a given time or a certain time period with variables on income, poverty, social exclusion and other living conditions

  • Longitudinal data pertaining to individual-level changes over time, observed periodically over four year rotation scheme

Social exclusion and housing condition information is collected mainly at household level while labour, education and health information is obtained at individual level for persons aged 16 and over. The core of the instrument, income at very detailed component level, is collected according to the type of income, at the household or individual level. Income amounts are generally not requested, as the survey is enriched with social and fiscal administrative sources after collection.

Classification system

The released data uses:

  • International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED'2011);

  • International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-08);

  • Classification of Economic Activities (NACE Rev.2-2008);

  • Common classification of territorial units for statistics (NUTS 2);

  • SCL - Geographical code list;

Statistical concepts and definitions

The SILC questionnaire is preceded by the Common Household Set (CHS) questionnaire. The CHS is a questionnaire common to a large number of French household surveys. It precedes the questionnaire specific to each survey. It is a list of fairly general variables for which information must be collected during a household survey: occupant in the dwelling, family relationships between them, type of dwelling, professions, nationalities, qualifications.

Each year, the SILC main questionnaire deals with the following topics:

At household level:

  • household resources (social benefits, income, aid and transfers)

  • children (income and childcare)

  • housing (housing costs, taxes, housing conditions)

  • household living conditions (living conditions, change in the income, administrative difficulties)

At the individual level:

  • employment and professional life (professional life, activity table, employment)

  • individual income (wages, income from self-employment, unemployment benefits, pensions, social benefits)

  • living conditions (financial situation, health, well-being)

In addition to the "main" questionnaire, the SILC survey includes each year so-called "secondary" modules allowing to study additional topics related to the resources and living conditions of households. The SILC questionnaire is composed each year of at least two secondary modules: a 3-year rolling module and either a 6-year rolling module or an ad hoc module.

3-year rolling module :

  • Labour market and housing (2020 - 2023 - 2026 etc. )

  • Children health, access to health care (children), children specific deprivation (2021 - 2024 - 2027 etc.)

  • Health (2022 - 2025 - 2028 etc.)

6-year rolling module :

  • Over-indebtedness, wealth and consumption (2020 etc. )

  • Quality of life: well-being, social and cultural participation (2022 etc.)

  • Intergenerational transmission of advantages and disadvantages, housing difficucolor-rgb(23,25,28)ltiescolor-rgb(23,25,28) (2023 etc.)

  • Access to services (2024 etc.)

Ad-hoc modules :

  • Living arrangements and conditions of children in separated and blended families (2021)

  • Household energy efficcolor-rgb(23,25,28)iencycolor-rgb(23,25,28) (2023)

  • Energy and environment (2025)

Statistical unit

Person living in ordinary housing

Statistical population

Data refers to all private households and individuals living in "ordinary" dwellings in the metropolitan France at the time of data collection.

The scope of the SILC survey is all individuals in a household occupying, at the time of the survey, a so-called "ordinary" dwelling whose residence is located in metropolitan France.

Thus, populations living in communities (hospitals, schools, religious communities, etc.) are not included in the scope of the survey.

Regional extensions

not applicable

Time coverage

SILC has been implemented in France every year since 2004.

Base period

Not applicable


From 2020 onwards, surveys are carried out only for the mandatory period determined by Eurostat, i.e. 4 years.

In 2021, due to the health crisis, the survey, usually conducted face-to-face, was collected entirely by telephone. In order to facilitate its implementation, the questions on housing expenses were not asked.