Monthly tendency survey in the Retail trade and in the trade and repair of motor vehicles 2022
Traitement statistique
Frequency of data collection
Data collection
Data collection is by post and via the internet over a period that extends from the end of the month preceding the survey month to the survey publication date, i.e. 4 business days before the end of the current month.
Survey results are sent to the European Commission 4 business days before the end of the month.
Data collection period
The collection period runs from the end of the month preceding the reference month of the survey to the date of publication of the results (between the 20th and 25th of the reference month).
Collection mode
- By post mail
- By Internet
Survey unit
- Legal unit
- Enterprise
Sampling method
The survey covers 3,200 enterprises.
All enterprises with more than 100 employees are canvassed excepted hypermarkets (4711F). For the hypermarkets, the threshold of exhaustivity is 300 employees.
Sample size
3,200 units
Data collection documents
The survey is conducted every month but not all questions are asked every month.
The survey questionnaires consists of a common core of monthly questions to which are added, depending on the month, some bi-monthly or biannual questions.
Since the October 2020 campaign, the survey in retail trade and motor vehicle trade and repair has included a set of quarterly questions on the effects of the sanitary crisis.
Since the April 2021 campaign, a question has been introduced within the framework of the joint harmonised EU programme of business and consumer surveys (BCS). The business managers are asked to indicate how easy it is to predict the future development of their business situation.
- Questionnaire for the monthly survey in the retail trade and in the trade and repair of motor vehicles 2022 for January (pdf, fr, 969 Ko, 17/12/2021)
- Questionnaire for the monthly survey in the retail trade and in the trade and repair of motor vehicles 2022 for February (pdf, fr, 862 Ko, 17/12/2021)
- Questionnaire for the monthly survey in the retail trade and in the trade and repair of motor vehicles 2022 for March (pdf, fr, 967 Ko, 17/12/2021)
- Questionnaire for the monthly survey in the retail trade and in the trade and repair of motor vehicles 2022 for April (pdf, fr, 933 Ko, 17/12/2021)
- Questionnaire for the monthly survey in the retail trade and in the trade and repair of motor vehicles 2022 for May (pdf, fr, 946 Ko, 17/12/2021)
- Questionnaire for the monthly survey in the retail trade and in the trade and repair of motor vehicles 2022 for June (pdf, fr, 967 Ko, 17/12/2021)
- Questionnaire for the monthly survey in the retail trade and in the trade and repair of motor vehicles 2022 for July (pdf, fr, 1 Mo, 17/12/2021)
- Questionnaire for the monthly survey in the retail trade and in the trade and repair of motor vehicles 2022 for August (pdf, fr, 951 Ko, 17/12/2021)
- Questionnaire for the monthly survey in the retail trade and in the trade and repair of motor vehicles 2022 for September (pdf, fr, 951 Ko, 17/12/2021)
- Questionnaire for the monthly survey in the retail trade and in the trade and repair of motor vehicles 2022 for October (pdf, fr, 1 Mo, 17/12/2021)
- Questionnaire for the monthly survey in the retail trade and in the trade and repair of motor vehicles 2022 for November (pdf, fr, 933 Ko, 17/12/2021)
- Questionnaire for the monthly survey in the retail trade and in the trade and repair of motor vehicles 2022 for December (pdf, fr, 868 Ko, 17/12/2021)
The published series are seasonally adjusted (CVS). Seasonality tests are carried out on all series. A series that initially has no seasonal character is presented as a CVS series with zero coefficients and is equal to the gross series. The effects are estimated with the X13 and TramoSeats software under JDemetra+ (provided by Eurostat) at the level of aggregates specific to the NAF rev. 2 subclass survey. CVS indices for senior positions are obtained by aggregating the CVS indices that compose them.