Local knowledge of the productive system 2005

Paru le :Paru le14/02/2025

Présentation statistique

Statistical concepts and definitions

The local productive system:
- characteristics of enterprises and establishments (number, size: sectory of activity) and wages paid;
- jobs offered by enterprises and establishments: number of jobs, socio-professional category, gender, type of employment (including: apprentices, subsidised contracts, interns);
- salaried employment measured in terms of "jobs" on 31 December of the year in question. Salaried employment is also evaluated in terms of full-time equivalent over the year.
Self-employed workers (craftsmen, the professions, etc.) are not counted.
The Clap data are available at a very detailed geographic level (region, department, canton or town, municipality) and for a wide range of zones (employment zone, etc.).

Statistical population

The data in Clap about any year concern enterprises and establishments that have had at least one day of economic activity in the financial year considered, whether they are employers or not.
Clap covers all activities in the market and non-market economy except the Ministry of Defence, and domestic employment (employment where the employer is a household).