Space industry impact in French Guiana survey 2020
IAS 2020
IAS 2020
Présentation statistique
Data description
The main topics covered in the IAS 2020 survey are as follows: - Caracteristics of the firm
Turnover structure : related to space industry or not
Spending accountancy
Statistical concepts and definitions
Space industry definition:
For Space Center Employers Union firms, space industry consists in all the activities required to launch a satellite from the Kourou Space center and all the related R&D.
For their suppliers, space industry consists in all the contracts conducted with Space Center Employers Union firms.
Statistical unit
The interrogation unit is the legal unit (UL), identified by its SIREN number.
Statistical population
The legal units surveyed are located in French Guiana, active as of 31/12/2019. The surveyed units are the Space Center Employers Union firms (around 40-50 firms) and their suppliers (between 300 and 500 firms).
Time coverage