Social and fiscal localized income 2016
FiLoSoFi 2016
FiLoSoFi 2016
Présentation statistique
Statistical concepts and definitions
The themes are:
- Levels, disparities and inequalities in the distribution of declared income by unit
of consumption and living standards of individuals;
- Categories income share in disposable income;
- Poverty (poverty rate and poverty intensity);
- Characteristics of the sub-population below 60% of median income per unit of consumption.
These themes are apprehended at local level through a number of usual analysis indicators (median, disparity and inequality indicators) and are broken down by various sociodemographic variables.
Statistical population
Fiscal households not included in communities (residences, hospitals, retirement homes, ...) and excuding homeless.
The households having declared incomes perceived during one of the two previous years, but not having declared any income related to the undergoing year, are not retained in the FiLoSoFi field (whereas they were retained in the RFL and RDL devices). However the households declaring their income in the department where their second home is located are taken into account, whereas they were excluded from the RFL and RDL fields.
The indicators on the declared income are calculated for household field whose declared income is positive or zero.
The indicators on disposable income are based on household field whose disposable income is positive or zero.
The unit surveyed is the tax household: consolidation of tax households listed in the same dwelling.