Turnover index and Sales volume index in trade (base 2021)
Révision des données
Data revision - policy
The same revision policy is applied to STS data published at national level and transmitted to Eurostat.
All revisions within the last 24 months are taken into account (routine revisions, major revisions, unscheduled revisions).
Routine revisions are mainly due - for raw data - to late respondents.
For the SA-WDA data, there is also the new calculation of the SA-WDA coefficients. These revisions are taken into account monthly.
There is no revision calendar.
Data revision - practice and A6. Data revision - average size for U
A paragraph dedicated to revisions of variations is published in the << Informations Rapides >> publication.
Warnings are also published in this publication and on the insee.fr website when the revisions are major (after rebasing or changes in methodology). The raw data are final twenty-four months after the first release.
The average revision (MR) and the average absolute revision (MAR) are given below for the overall index. They are calculated for the year-on-year growth rates for the calendar adjusted data for the last three full years.
- MR = 0.26
- MAR = 0.27