Production in construction
Présentation statistique
Data description
The indices of production in construction provide a short-term indication of changes in activity in the construction sector.
Source : The construction output index is now calculated using data on hourly volume from nominative social declarations (DSN) – a monthly reporting/administrative requirement in which employers report, for each of their employees, the time worked and the wages paid – instead of the monthly production surveys in the building and public works sector (EMBTP). An experiment was conducted over several years to validate the switch to this new source. The series have been backcast to January 1990, with the use of the DSN source since 2019 (not available or not robust enough for this purpose before this date).
- Industrial Production Index with Base Year 2015 Insee Méthodes N°133 - July 2019
Classification system
Classification NACE Rev. 2
Sector coverage
Activities covered : NACE Rev. 2 Section F.
Statistical concepts and definitions
The indice of production in construction measure the evolution of output (value added) in volume.
The indices for this sector are estimated by tracking the number of hours worked per month, multiplied by an hourly productivity coefficient (updated with annual national accounts data to take into account the changes in productivity).
Accounting conventions : Not available.
Statistical unit
Reporting unit : Legal unit. Observation unit(s) : Kind of activity unit (establishment-level).
Statistical population
Units of all size.
Time coverage
Time series start in 1990.
Base period
Base (reference) year: 2021