Production in construction
User needs
The Industrial production indices are meant to be used by many clients (i.e. users) including Eurostat, the official statistical service (INSEE and the SSM) and the general public (inseenauts, private or public institutions, media).
Different types of products are produced by the team on Industrial production indices:
- monthly << InfosRap >> publications;
- aggregated data files and series available on the on-line database;
- specific files responding to user needs (National Accounts, Business Cycle Analysis, Structural Surveys, SSM);
- metadata: annual quality reports sent to Eurostat and made available on;
- weights.
User satisfaction
This process is not subject to a specific satisfaction survey for external users but internal users are satisfied with the quality and punctuality of indices.
Completeness and R1. Data completeness – rate for U
Eurostat’s requirements in terms of completeness are fulfilled.