Turnover index and Sales volume index in trade (base 2015)

Paru le :Paru le14/02/2025


Turnover index and Sales volume index in trade answer to a national and a European imperative. They are used to measure the monthly changes in sales of companies in the sectors concerned. As such, they are a primary information to monitor the business cycle in France. Turnover indices fall under the European regulation on short-terms statistics -- the Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 of the European Parliament and of the Council on European business statistics (EBS-Regulation).

The turnover indices are calculated by INSEE from a tax source, the CA3 form (https://www.impots.gouv.fr/formulaire/3310-ca3-sd/tva-et-taxes-assimilees-regime-du-reel-normal-mini-reel), which companies fill in every month for the payment of VAT.
