Agricultural producer price index
Traitement statistique
Source data
Data are provided by:
• Ministry in charge of agriculture SSP (<< Service de la statistique et de la prospective
>>): fresh fruits and vegetables, cow's milk, rabbits, poultry, eggs;
• FranceAgriMer (national authority for agriculture and sea products): << boucherie
>> animals (cattle, pigs, sheep, equidae), potatoes, bananas, cut flowers, wines with
a protected geographical indication (PGI) and without a geographical indication;
• Trade organisations: PDO wine (Protected Designation of Origin), sugar beet, vegetables
for processing, hops, dried vegetables, flax, nursery plants, other milks (goat, sheep),
• Trade press: Cereals, oleaginous, potatoes seeds, proteaginous.
Frequency of data collection
Data collection
Excel files and websites for the most.
Data compilation
The agricultural producer price indices are calculated on the basis of the Laspeyres formula with fixed base year. The base year is fixed for 5 years which means that the weighting structure, representative of the base year, is fixed for 5 years. How the weighting structure is defined: the value weights from the weighting schemes were provided by the 2015 semi final Economic Accounts for Agriculture data. They are valued at the basic price (price received by the producer after deduction of any taxes or levies and including any subsidies). Retropolation: Agricultural producer price indices labeled with 2015 as base and reference year are calculated using the new weighting structure since January 2013. The indices of the previous months are obtained by backcasting the monthly variations of the 2010 base and reference year indices. By construction, monthly changes prior to January 2013 are equal to those previously reported in 2010 base.
Products seasonality is a major feature of the methodology for calculating agricultural producer price indices. It shall not be confused with the correction of seasonal variations. Products seasonality is defined in the 2008 manual as follows: <<Seasonality is defined as the expression of the seasonal nature of the agricultural output products. Depending on the grade of seasonality, certain products completely disappear from the market in certain quarters (the value weight for a certain quarter equals zero) or the quarterly weights vary from quarter to quarter. Seasonality in principle should be applied by all the Member States for fresh fruits, vegetables and potatoes but it is allowed and recommended for all output products (crop and animal), if information is available.>>. Seasonal products weights may change from one month to another. When the product is not available, its month weight is zero. In peak season, its weight is the highest. At the beginning or end of the marketing period, its weight may be significantly lower than the peak season one. For example, the strawberries weight reaches its maximum in May. It is lower in April, June and July, and especially at the beginning of marketing period in February and March. From August to January, it is zero.
Case of fresh fruits and vegetables: The monthly indices of products and product groupings are calculated by Insee from the collected price data. The product grouping indices are weighted averages of the elementary indices. Exceptions to these principles are data on fresh fruits and vegetables that are sent directly to Insee as indices by the Statistics Service (SSP) of the Ministry of Agriculture.