Agricultural producer price index 


Paru le :Paru le07/10/2024

Présentation statistique

Data description

IPPAP incices are composed of three main parts:
- Crop output indices (excluding fruits and vegetables),
 - Fruits and vegetables indices (excluding potatoes),
- Animal output indices.
IPPAP indices change their labeled base and reference year every 5 years. The latest change occured in March 2018. Since then, IPPAP indices have been disseminated with 2015 as base and reference year.
The base year change to 2015 of the agricultural producer price indices allowed to introduce new products, especially for fruits and vegetables (chard, broccoli, spinach). The addition of new products in the monthly variable basket results of the change in consumption habits since the previous base year change (5 years ago).

Sector coverage


Statistical concepts and definitions

IPPAP indices are production price indices.

Statistical unit

Agricultural products

Time coverage

From 2005

Base period