Industrial production index
Cohérence et comparabilité
Comparability - geographical
Methods are comparable to those of other European. They are compliant with the european regulation (EBS).
Comparability - over time and CC2. Length of comparable time series for U
Consistency over time is ensured through the use of stable methods. In the case of methodological changes, or change of base period, past indices are backcast to ensure comparability over time.
Coherence - cross domain
Indices and microdata are confronted with the results of the annual production survey "Enquêtes annuelles de production " (structural business statistics).
A benchmarking with other STS data, structural data or national accounts can be carried out. In addition, national accountants use Industrial production indices for quarterly estimates or provisional annual estimates and provide feedback on consistency with past account data.
Coherence - internal
Internal consistency is ensured through the aggregation method.