Price index for second-hand dwellings

Paru le :Paru le13/09/2024

Présentation statistique

Data description

Second-hand housing price indices for Île-de-France are calculated by the company Paris Notaires Services (PNS) and INSEE from property transaction data in the Notarial Economic Database (Base d'Informations Économiques Notariales - BIEN) which belongs to and are provided by notaries in France.

Second-hand housing price indices for provincial France and overseas departments (excluding Mayotte) are calculated by the company Min.not and INSEE from property transaction data in the PERVAL database, which belongs to and are provided by notaries in France.

Statistical population

The scope of the indices covers all transactions by private agreement (with or without an intermediary) involving second-hand dwellings (in the fiscal sense of the term, i.e. built more than 5 years ago or having already been transferred) for residential use that is fully-owned and unoccupied.

The "houses" index covers one-family dwellings and the "apartments" indices dwellings in an apartment building.

Non-standard properties (bedrooms, lofts, workshops, castles and acquisitions made by real-estate professionals) are excluded, as they are considered as leading to atypical transactions.