Producer and Import Price Index in Industry
Each company selected in order to participate to the INSEE survey is contacted by an interviewer. During the interview, " witness transactions " ("response-series") are selected to be both representative of the business's price developments and easily accessible in order to limit the statistical burden for the company. The questionnaire is therefore tailored individually to each company participating to the survey. The data are then collected monthly online on a dedicated website or by mail (10% of the answers). The sample is regularly updated, either thanks to an INSEE interviewer or thanks to the information directly given by the company (deletions and creations of response-series, transmissions of auxiliary data).
The production and import price indices in the industry are based on a collect of approximately 30,000 prices each month transmitted by over 4,800 companies (some of these prices can be transmit quarterly) under the obligatory survey "Observation des prix de l'industrie et des services "("Price Observation of Industry and Services"). This survey is part of the annual statistical surveys program reviewed by the CNIS (National Council for Statistical Information) and published by decree in the French Journal Officiel.