Immigrants and descendants of immigrants 2023 edition

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Paru le :Paru le11/04/2023
Émilie Arnoult (Dares)
Immigrés et descendants d'immigrés en France- April 2023

Discriminations on the labour market experienced by individuals of Maghreb origins

Émilie Arnoult (Dares)

Discriminations on the labour market are approached with three dimensions: the behavior of recruiters towards job applicants, the risk of unemployment of active individuals on the labour market, or the feeling of these active individuals regarding their own situation. These three measures allow to conclude that individuals with Maghreb origins, whether they are immigrants or descendants of immigrants, with a CAP to bac+5 qualification who studied and worked in France experienced strong discriminations in 2019-2020. They were less often called back by recruiters for a job interview than individuals without migration background, their risk of unemployment was higher even with equivalent characteristics, and they more often declared that they were unfairly denied a job.

Men’s situation appears less favorable than women’s of the same origin: they are slight less often called back by recruiters, and 91% of the unemployment rate gap between immigrants from Maghreb and men without migration background is not explained by differences in profiles and professional trajectories, against 34% for women. For men who are descendants of immigrants from Maghreb, the unexplained part of the unemployment rate gap remains high (80%). Immigrants and descendants of immigrants of the same origin declare that they were unfairly denied a job in similar proportions. With comparable characteristics, immigrant men from Maghreb as well as men who are descendants of immigrants from Maghreb declare experiencing this situation twice as often as men without migration background do. This experience is also declared by women who are descendants of immigrants from Maghreb almost twice as often as women without migration background with the same characteristics.

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Paru le :11/04/2023