Informations Rapides · 24 March 2023 · n° 73
Informations rapidesIn Q4 2022, production costs in construction rose by 0.2% Costs of production indices in construction - fourth quarter 2022

In Q4 2022, the production costs in construction rose by 0.2% over a quarter, after +1.4% in the previous quarter. They slowed down in specialised construction works (+0.8% after +1.8%) and in building construction (+0.2% after +1.5%). This was due to a fall of costs of materials in building construction (-2.0% after +1.6%), owing to a drop of steel product prices.

The production costs went down in civil engineering (-2.6% after -0.3%) owing to a further drop of costs of materials in civil engineering (-6.4% after -4.5%), mainly petroleum bitumen prices.

Year on year, the production costs for construction slowed down (+7.7% in Q4 2022 after +9.3% in the previous quarter). They decelerated considerably in civil engineering (+8.0% after +14.3% in the third quarter and +18.4% in the second quarter), in building construction (+7.8% after +8.9% and +9.9%) and, to a lesser extent, in specialised construction works (+7.5% after +8.2% and +8.4%).

Informations rapides
No 73
Paru le :Paru le24/03/2023
Warning: new reporting of production costing breakdowns in construction

From this publication onwards, changes in construction input costs are reported separately for buildings on the one hand and public works on the other.

The aggregates relating to Buildings encompass the “Construction of residential and non-residential buildings” group 412 of the NACE Rev. 2 classification on the one hand, and the “Specialised construction activities” (division 43 of the NACE Rev. 2 classification) insofar as they relate to buildings, on the other.

The “Public works” aggregates cover both the eponymous division of the NACE classification (42 “Civil engineering”) and the “Specialised construction activities” (division 43 of the NACE classification) insofar as they relate to civil engineering works.

Alongside this new reporting, six new cost index series are released, with the following headings: “Machinery for structural work in building construction” (010761830), “Machinery for finishing work in building construction” (010761831), “Miscellaneous costs of construction” (010761832), “transport in building construction” (010761833), “transport in public works” (010761834) and “waste treatment in public works” (010761835).

In Q4 2022, the production costs in construction rose by 0.2% over a quarter, after +1.4% in the previous quarter. They slowed down in specialised construction works (+0.8% after +1.8%) and in building construction (+0.2% after +1.5%). This was due to a fall of costs of materials in building construction (-2.0% after +1.6%), owing to a drop of steel product prices.

The production costs went down in civil engineering (-2.6% after -0.3%) owing to a further drop of costs of materials in civil engineering (-6.4% after -4.5%), mainly petroleum bitumen prices.

Year on year, the production costs for construction slowed down (+7.7% in Q4 2022 after +9.3% in the previous quarter). They decelerated considerably in civil engineering (+8.0% after +14.3% in the third quarter and +18.4% in the second quarter), in building construction (+7.8% after +8.9% and +9.9%) and, to a lesser extent, in specialised construction works (+7.5% after +8.2% and +8.4%).

Variations in producer costs in construction

In %
Variations in producer costs in construction (In %)
Heading Weights Q4 2022/ Q3 2022 Q4 2022/ Q4 2021
F Construction 100.0 0.2 7.7
By NAF division:
 41.2 Construction of buildings 10.2 0.2 7.8
 42 Civil engineering 15.9 -2.6 8.0
 43 Specialised construction works 73.9 0.8 7.5
   43BT Buildings 65.2 0.9 7.3
      43BTC New buildings 24.7 0.2 7.7
      43BTR Existing buildings 40.5 1.3 7.1
   43TP Specialised works for civil engineering 8.7 -0.1 9.4
By business sector:
Buildings (41.2 + 43BT) 75.4 0.8 7.4
Public works (42 + 43TP) 24.6 -1.7 8.5
  • Source: INSEE

Production costs in construction

Production costs in construction
Construction Construction of buildings Civil engineering Specialised construction works
2022-12 124.1 123.6 130.3 122.8
2022-11 124.3 123.8 131.2 122.8
2022-10 124.3 123.7 131.9 122.7
2022-09 124.0 123.2 134.1 121.9
2022-08 124.2 123.9 134.1 122.1
2022-07 123.9 123.3 135.6 121.5
2022-06 123.1 122.4 136.2 120.4
2022-05 122.2 121.9 134.3 119.6
2022-04 121.6 120.7 134.6 118.9
2022-03 119.7 118.9 129.9 117.6
2022-02 118.1 117.8 125.7 116.5
2022-01 117.3 116.9 124.1 115.9
2021-12 115.7 115.1 121.8 114.5
2021-11 115.6 114.9 122.2 114.3
2021-10 114.8 114.4 120.3 113.7
2021-09 114.1 113.8 119.0 113.1
2021-08 113.5 113.5 117.7 112.6
2021-07 112.8 112.8 116.6 112.0
2021-06 111.5 111.4 114.6 110.9
2021-05 110.8 110.6 113.8 110.2
2021-04 110.5 110.2 113.7 109.9
2021-03 110.2 109.9 112.8 109.7
2021-02 109.9 109.6 111.6 109.6
2021-01 109.6 109.2 110.4 109.4
2020-12 108.9 108.6 108.5 109.1
2020-11 108.3 108.0 107.7 108.4
2020-10 108.0 107.5 107.7 108.1
2020-09 107.9 107.3 108.7 107.8
2020-08 108.8 108.1 109.7 108.7
2020-07 109.5 108.7 110.3 109.5
2020-06 109.8 109.5 108.1 110.2
2020-05 108.5 108.3 106.3 108.9
2020-04 107.5 107.2 106.0 107.9
2020-03 107.4 106.6 109.3 107.1
2020-02 107.6 106.6 110.2 107.2
2020-01 107.3 106.5 109.3 107.0
2019-12 106.8 106.2 107.7 106.7
2019-11 106.9 106.3 108.1 106.8
2019-10 107.4 106.5 109.7 107.0
2019-09 107.5 106.7 109.5 107.1
2019-08 107.5 106.7 110.5 107.0
2019-07 107.3 106.4 110.3 106.8
2019-06 107.1 106.2 110.6 106.5
2019-05 107.4 106.3 111.3 106.8
2019-04 107.6 106.5 111.1 107.0
2019-03 107.6 106.5 110.8 107.0
2019-02 107.0 106.2 109.2 106.6
2019-01 106.4 105.7 108.3 106.0
2018-12 106.1 105.1 109.4 105.6
2018-11 106.5 105.2 111.3 105.6
2018-10 106.5 105.3 110.6 105.8
2018-09 106.3 105.2 110.0 105.6
2018-08 106.3 105.2 109.8 105.6
2018-07 106.0 105.0 109.3 105.5
2018-06 105.8 104.9 109.0 105.3
2018-05 105.4 104.8 107.2 105.1
2018-04 104.8 104.4 105.9 104.6
2018-03 104.4 104.0 105.2 104.3
2018-02 104.6 104.1 105.7 104.4
2018-01 104.6 104.1 105.7 104.4
2017-12 104.2 103.8 105.0 104.1
2017-11 103.7 103.3 104.2 103.7
2017-10 103.2 103.0 103.4 103.2
2017-09 102.5 102.2 102.5 102.6
2017-08 102.6 102.4 102.2 102.7
2017-07 102.5 102.2 102.1 102.6
2017-06 102.5 102.2 102.3 102.6
2017-05 102.5 102.2 102.7 102.5
2017-04 102.6 102.3 102.5 102.6
2017-03 102.5 102.0 102.9 102.4
2017-02 102.2 101.7 102.9 102.1
2017-01 101.9 101.3 102.7 101.8
2016-12 101.0 100.7 100.6 101.2
2016-11 100.7 100.5 100.2 100.9
2016-10 100.6 100.4 99.6 100.9
2016-09 100.5 100.5 99.1 100.9
2016-08 100.4 100.4 98.9 100.8
2016-07 100.3 100.2 99.0 100.6
2016-06 100.1 100.0 98.5 100.5
2016-05 99.6 99.6 97.1 100.2
2016-04 99.4 99.3 96.3 100.0
2016-03 99.4 99.4 96.0 100.1
2016-02 99.1 99.2 95.7 99.9
2016-01 99.2 99.3 96.1 99.8
2015-12 99.5 99.5 97.3 99.9
2015-11 99.7 99.6 98.2 100.0
2015-10 99.5 99.5 98.4 99.8
2015-09 99.7 99.7 98.9 99.8
2015-08 100.2 100.2 100.6 100.1
2015-07 100.4 100.2 101.7 100.1
2015-06 100.4 100.1 102.0 100.1
2015-05 100.4 100.3 101.7 100.1
2015-04 100.2 100.2 101.0 100.0
2015-03 100.2 100.2 100.8 100.1
2015-02 99.9 100.2 99.3 100.0
2015-01 99.9 100.1 100.0 99.9

Production costs in construction

  • Source: INSEE.

Breakdown of production costs in construction

In %
Breakdown of production costs in construction (In %)
Business sector Production factor Weights Q4 2022/ Q3 2022 Q4 2022/ Q4 2021
Buildings (41.2 + 43BT) Machinery for structural work in building construction 1.8 2.1 9.9
Machinery for finishing work in building construction 3.2 2.7 7.5
Labour 52.3 1.7 4.3
Energy 0.9 -1.5 18.3
Materials in construction of buildings 16.9 -2.0 11.5
Materials in renovation of buildings 13.2 0.4 13.6
Miscellaneous costs 9.5 -0.1 7.3
Transport 2.2 1.7 10.9
Public works (42 + 43TP) Machinery 17.9 0.3 6.8
Labour 33.4 1.7 4.3
Energy 6.0 -5.9 30.2
Materials in civil engineering 23.4 -6.4 7.5
Materials in specialised works for civil engineering 8.5 -0.2 12.9
Miscellaneous costs 3.0 -0.1 7.3
Transport 6.5 0.3 7.7
Waste 1.3 -2.0 9.0
  • Note: The labour costs in construction changes are calculated using the labor cost index – total labour costs in the construction sector. Futher information about Labor cost index in industry, construction and services are available at the bottom of the publication webpage.
  • Source: INSEE

Production costs in buildings

Production costs in buildings
Materials in construction Materials in renovation All buildings Energy Miscellaneous costs
2022-12 130.4 132.6 122.7 151.2 112.9
2022-11 131.7 133.7 122.8 159.5 111.9
2022-10 132.4 132.9 122.5 159.1 111.9
2022-09 133.0 132.3 121.7 148.1 110.8
2022-08 135.2 132.6 122.0 158.9 113.1
2022-07 134.5 132.6 121.5 169.9 113.2
2022-06 134.2 131.2 120.5 177.4 110.0
2022-05 133.7 129.7 119.7 161.2 108.9
2022-04 130.9 127.4 118.8 158.5 108.5
2022-03 126.4 124.5 117.5 171.2 106.6
2022-02 124.4 122.3 116.5 145.8 106.4
2022-01 122.8 120.7 115.9 138.1 105.3
2021-12 118.3 117.8 114.6 131.1 105.0
2021-11 118.2 117.5 114.4 133.7 104.5
2021-10 117.3 116.2 113.8 132.4 104.2
2021-09 116.7 115.1 113.3 124.4 103.7
2021-08 116.1 114.3 112.9 123.0 104.8
2021-07 115.1 113.0 112.3 123.7 104.8
2021-06 112.4 111.0 111.1 121.3 103.2
2021-05 110.4 109.0 110.4 119.2 102.8
2021-04 109.7 108.0 110.1 117.9 101.9
2021-03 109.1 107.1 109.8 118.9 101.6
2021-02 107.7 106.4 109.7 115.5 101.8
2021-01 106.4 105.4 109.5 111.5 101.5
2020-12 104.4 104.3 109.3 108.6 101.7
2020-11 104.1 103.8 108.6 104.7 100.7
2020-10 103.7 103.9 108.3 103.9 100.5
2020-09 103.7 104.0 108.0 104.2 101.1
2020-08 103.4 103.7 108.9 106.7 102.6
2020-07 103.2 103.2 109.7 107.2 102.7
2020-06 103.7 103.0 110.5 104.6 102.0
2020-05 103.4 103.0 109.2 101.1 101.1
2020-04 103.0 103.4 108.1 105.4 100.6
2020-03 103.3 103.7 107.2 112.7 101.4
2020-02 103.2 103.6 107.2 121.3 102.0
2020-01 103.4 103.5 107.0 127.5 101.5
2019-12 103.0 103.3 106.8 126.7 102.1
2019-11 103.0 103.5 106.8 124.8 101.6
2019-10 103.2 103.2 107.0 124.8 101.9
2019-09 103.6 103.3 107.1 124.3 101.3
2019-08 103.8 103.4 107.0 122.4 103.0
2019-07 103.7 103.6 106.8 123.2 102.9
2019-06 104.1 104.0 106.5 123.6 101.8
2019-05 104.1 104.5 106.7 128.5 101.0
2019-04 104.1 104.5 107.0 127.3 101.6
2019-03 104.2 104.4 106.9 126.6 100.8
2019-02 104.0 104.3 106.5 124.5 101.0
2019-01 103.8 104.0 106.0 121.2 100.6
2018-12 102.8 103.4 105.6 123.2 101.0
2018-11 103.1 103.5 105.6 128.4 100.2
2018-10 103.3 103.4 105.7 132.0 100.9
2018-09 103.2 103.5 105.6 128.0 100.4
2018-08 103.1 103.6 105.6 125.7 102.3
2018-07 102.8 103.6 105.5 125.4 102.3
2018-06 103.1 103.6 105.3 126.9 100.9
2018-05 103.3 103.8 105.0 125.7 100.8
2018-04 103.1 103.3 104.6 121.2 101.1
2018-03 102.7 102.6 104.3 118.6 100.8
2018-02 102.6 102.5 104.4 119.3 100.4
2018-01 102.4 102.3 104.4 120.1 100.1
2017-12 101.4 101.5 104.2 110.6 100.4
2017-11 101.2 101.4 103.7 110.2 99.6
2017-10 101.2 101.5 103.3 107.6 99.9
2017-09 100.2 100.9 102.6 105.6 99.6
2017-08 100.2 101.2 102.8 103.6 100.9
2017-07 99.8 100.8 102.6 101.6 100.9
2017-06 100.1 100.9 102.6 102.6 99.6
2017-05 100.1 100.7 102.6 105.1 99.4
2017-04 100.2 100.6 102.6 107.8 100.4
2017-03 99.7 100.3 102.4 108.1 99.8
2017-02 99.4 100.0 102.0 109.7 99.8
2017-01 99.1 99.8 101.7 109.6 99.6
2016-12 98.2 98.9 101.1 101.2 100.7
2016-11 97.9 98.5 100.9 100.2 100.0
2016-10 97.9 98.5 100.9 98.9 100.5
2016-09 98.6 98.9 100.9 96.6 100.2
2016-08 98.5 98.9 100.8 95.2 101.1
2016-07 98.0 98.7 100.6 98.3 101.3
2016-06 97.9 98.7 100.5 100.7 100.2
2016-05 97.0 98.2 100.1 96.1 99.9
2016-04 96.2 97.9 100.0 91.9 100.1
2016-03 96.3 98.1 100.0 91.2 99.7
2016-02 96.5 98.1 99.8 88.2 99.6
2016-01 97.0 98.5 99.8 89.0 99.6
2015-12 97.8 98.8 100.0 92.9 100.0
2015-11 98.6 99.1 100.0 95.2 99.4
2015-10 99.0 99.7 99.8 95.8 99.7
2015-09 99.6 99.8 99.8 95.8 99.6
2015-08 100.3 100.2 100.1 97.6 100.9
2015-07 100.3 100.2 100.2 102.8 101.3
2015-06 100.4 100.2 100.0 105.3 100.2
2015-05 100.9 100.3 100.1 106.7 99.8
2015-04 100.8 100.2 100.0 104.4 99.9
2015-03 100.8 100.4 100.1 104.8 99.8
2015-02 100.9 100.5 100.0 101.7 99.9
2015-01 100.8 100.6 99.9 96.9 99.5

Production costs in buildings

  • Source: INSEE.

Production costs in public works

Production costs in public works
Materials in civil engineering Materials in specialised works All public works Machinery Energy Transport
2022-12 141.9 124.7 128.1 112.3 192.8 115.0
2022-11 144.8 125.7 128.7 112.2 195.4 115.0
2022-10 144.3 125.7 129.6 112.1 215.1 115.0
2022-09 149.6 125.1 131.1 112.3 224.2 114.6
2022-08 151.5 126.1 130.8 111.8 217.1 114.6
2022-07 159.4 125.8 131.3 111.4 200.1 114.6
2022-06 163.1 125.7 131.3 108.8 199.5 113.8
2022-05 159.8 124.2 129.7 108.8 188.6 113.8
2022-04 159.1 121.1 129.9 108.9 198.3 113.8
2022-03 147.6 117.7 126.4 107.8 197.4 111.5
2022-02 140.0 116.4 122.8 108.1 170.1 111.5
2022-01 135.5 116.1 121.8 107.6 173.7 111.5
2021-12 133.7 111.2 119.2 105.3 158.8 106.8
2021-11 135.4 111.3 119.3 105.0 156.8 106.8
2021-10 131.8 110.7 117.7 104.9 147.7 106.8
2021-09 131.1 111.0 116.5 104.4 131.6 106.1
2021-08 129.1 110.6 115.4 104.0 125.4 106.1
2021-07 127.2 109.7 114.5 104.1 122.0 106.1
2021-06 122.8 108.3 112.9 103.8 119.1 105.9
2021-05 121.0 107.0 112.1 103.4 117.8 105.9
2021-04 120.7 106.3 112.0 103.6 118.4 105.9
2021-03 118.2 106.0 111.4 103.4 120.1 105.2
2021-02 114.9 105.3 110.5 103.2 117.8 105.2
2021-01 112.2 104.8 109.7 103.2 112.6 105.2
2020-12 108.4 102.3 107.9 100.4 109.1 104.0
2020-11 107.8 102.4 107.1 100.4 103.8 104.0
2020-10 108.7 102.1 106.9 100.1 101.6 104.0
2020-09 111.9 102.1 107.6 100.9 101.2 104.5
2020-08 112.9 102.1 108.5 100.7 103.5 104.5
2020-07 113.1 102.0 109.0 100.4 103.7 104.5
2020-06 106.3 102.2 107.7 99.8 101.6 104.1
2020-05 103.9 102.5 106.2 99.7 97.6 104.1
2020-04 104.6 102.5 105.8 99.8 99.8 104.1
2020-03 112.9 102.3 108.0 101.4 108.5 106.4
2020-02 114.2 102.1 108.7 100.8 119.7 106.4
2020-01 111.8 102.0 108.2 100.2 124.0 106.4
2019-12 107.6 101.3 107.0 100.7 122.9 105.9
2019-11 108.9 101.5 107.3 100.6 120.8 105.9
2019-10 112.9 101.7 108.4 101.2 120.3 105.9
2019-09 111.7 102.2 108.5 101.9 121.6 105.7
2019-08 115.3 102.4 108.9 101.5 118.6 105.7
2019-07 114.8 102.6 108.8 101.5 121.1 105.7
2019-06 116.3 102.8 108.9 101.2 119.9 105.7
2019-05 117.4 103.0 109.6 101.1 125.6 105.7
2019-04 116.1 103.1 109.5 101.4 127.1 105.7
2019-03 115.2 102.8 109.4 101.9 126.6 105.1
2019-02 111.9 102.7 108.2 101.5 124.8 105.1
2019-01 110.7 103.0 107.4 101.4 119.6 105.1
2018-12 114.7 101.1 107.8 100.6 119.7 104.0
2018-11 119.3 101.6 109.2 100.6 125.1 104.0
2018-10 116.6 101.9 108.8 100.4 129.3 104.0
2018-09 115.5 102.1 108.4 101.1 125.0 103.7
2018-08 115.3 101.9 108.2 100.9 123.2 103.7
2018-07 114.1 101.6 107.9 101.1 122.7 103.7
2018-06 113.6 101.6 107.6 101.0 123.1 103.5
2018-05 109.3 102.2 106.4 100.8 122.3 103.5
2018-04 106.7 101.8 105.5 100.7 119.4 103.5
2018-03 105.7 101.3 104.8 100.5 116.9 102.8
2018-02 106.6 101.2 105.1 100.6 117.3 102.8
2018-01 106.4 101.3 105.2 100.6 118.2 102.8
2017-12 106.0 100.1 104.4 100.1 109.5 100.9
2017-11 104.6 100.2 103.8 100.3 108.7 100.9
2017-10 103.7 99.9 103.1 100.4 104.7 100.9
2017-09 102.3 99.4 102.3 100.2 103.1 100.1
2017-08 101.7 99.2 102.1 100.2 100.9 100.1
2017-07 101.5 99.2 101.9 100.1 99.6 100.1
2017-06 101.8 99.1 102.1 100.6 99.6 100.8
2017-05 102.6 99.3 102.4 100.6 102.7 100.8
2017-04 101.5 98.9 102.3 100.6 105.8 100.8
2017-03 102.7 98.9 102.6 100.6 106.4 101.2
2017-02 102.8 99.1 102.6 100.7 108.8 101.2
2017-01 102.9 99.2 102.4 100.4 108.5 101.2
2016-12 98.5 98.2 100.7 100.0 102.5 101.5
2016-11 98.1 98.3 100.3 99.9 98.2 101.5
2016-10 96.6 98.5 99.9 99.7 98.0 101.5
2016-09 96.1 98.8 99.5 100.0 94.0 101.4
2016-08 95.7 98.7 99.3 99.9 93.1 101.4
2016-07 96.1 98.7 99.4 99.9 93.8 101.4
2016-06 94.5 98.7 99.1 100.1 96.7 101.5
2016-05 91.1 98.4 98.1 100.2 93.2 101.5
2016-04 89.6 98.3 97.5 100.1 88.8 101.5
2016-03 88.8 98.0 97.3 100.2 88.7 101.0
2016-02 88.8 98.6 97.0 100.0 85.8 101.0
2016-01 90.0 99.2 97.2 100.0 86.1 101.0
2015-12 93.8 98.6 98.0 99.7 87.3 100.8
2015-11 95.4 99.2 98.8 100.0 94.4 100.8
2015-10 96.2 99.6 98.8 100.3 94.8 100.8
2015-09 97.5 100.1 99.2 100.5 95.3 99.8
2015-08 102.1 100.6 100.4 100.8 96.1 99.8
2015-07 104.2 100.1 101.1 99.8 102.8 99.8
2015-06 104.8 100.3 101.5 99.7 107.4 100.1
2015-05 103.7 100.4 101.3 99.6 109.1 100.1
2015-04 101.8 100.2 100.8 99.7 107.7 100.1
2015-03 101.7 99.9 100.6 100.0 105.3 99.3
2015-02 97.7 100.1 99.6 100.0 104.1 99.3
2015-01 101.1 100.9 99.9 99.9 95.7 99.3

Production costs in public works

  • Source: INSEE.


The Q3 2022 variation in producer costs in construction over a quarter has been revised downwards by 0.2 points: it now stands at +1.4%, instead of +1.6% as published in December 2022.

For further information

Monthly production cost indices are released every three months.

These indices aggregate the cost indices of six or seven factors of production: capital, labour, energy, materials, services, transport and wastes (only for public works).

These indices are subject to revision. They are primarily used as inputs for the national accounts and macroeconomics analyses.

Next issue: end of June 2023

Pour en savoir plus

Monthly production cost indices are released every three months.

These indices aggregate the cost indices of six or seven factors of production: capital, labour, energy, materials, services, transport and wastes (only for public works).

These indices are subject to revision. They are primarily used as inputs for the national accounts and macroeconomics analyses.

Next issue: end of June 2023
