Informations Rapides · 28 February 2023 · n° 52
Informations rapidesHousehold consumption in goods rebounded in January 2023 (+1.5%) Household consumption expenditure on goods - January 2023

In January 2023, household consumption of goods rose sharply (+1.5% in volume* after ‑1.6% in December 2022 – revised data). This rebound is explained by the strong increase in consumption of energy (+4.0% after ‑0.8% in December 2022 – revised data) as an after-effect of the energy voucher. The manufactured goods consumption (+1.3%) and the food products consumption (+0.6%) also rose.

Informations rapides
No 52
Paru le :Paru le28/02/2023
Prochaine parution le : 30/01/2025 at 07:30 - December 2024

In January 2023, household consumption of goods rose sharply (+1.5% in volume* after ‑1.6% in December 2022 – revised data). This rebound is explained by the strong increase in consumption of energy (+4.0% after ‑0.8% in December 2022 – revised data) as an after-effect of the energy voucher. The manufactured goods consumption (+1.3%) and the food products consumption (+0.6%) also rose.

Total consumption of goods

Total consumption of goods
Monthly data
2023-01 45.832
2022-12 45.153
2022-11 45.892
2022-10 45.69
2022-09 46.989
2022-08 46.388
2022-07 46.333
2022-06 46.795
2022-05 46.752
2022-04 46.745
2022-03 46.891
2022-02 47.557
2022-01 47.613
2021-12 48.074
2021-11 48.39
2021-10 48.402
2021-09 48.236
2021-08 48.196
2021-07 48.558
2021-06 48.924
2021-05 48.626
2021-04 43.768
2021-03 48.292
2021-02 48.481
2021-01 48.359
2020-12 50.64
2020-11 41.273
2020-10 50.451
2020-09 48.693
2020-08 50.9
2020-07 49.397
2020-06 49.612
2020-05 45.093
2020-04 32.278
2020-03 41.049
2020-02 47.693
2020-01 47.466
2019-12 48.206
2019-11 48.071
2019-10 47.753
2019-09 47.705
2019-08 47.927
2019-07 47.783
2019-06 47.584
2019-05 48.014
2019-04 47.897
2019-03 47.551
2019-02 47.698
2019-01 47.85
2018-12 47.009
2018-11 47.406
2018-10 47.778
2018-09 47.339
2018-08 47.903
2018-07 47.824
2018-06 47.739
2018-05 47.84
2018-04 47.349
2018-03 48.433
2018-02 48.402
2018-01 46.999
2017-12 47.851
2017-11 48.001
2017-10 47.363
2017-09 48.454
2017-08 47.587
2017-07 47.966
2017-06 47.627
2017-05 47.809
2017-04 47.328
2017-03 47.022
2017-02 47.299
2017-01 47.678
2016-12 47.218
2016-11 47.254
2016-10 47.76
2016-09 46.858
2016-08 46.722
2016-07 46.516
2016-06 46.852
2016-05 46.939
2016-04 46.903
2016-03 47.163
2016-02 46.932
2016-01 46.93
2015-12 46.664
2015-11 45.465
2015-10 46.653
2015-09 46.573
2015-08 46.413
2015-07 46.491
2015-06 46.449
2015-05 46.084
2015-04 45.942
2015-03 45.86
2015-02 46.195
2015-01 46.213
2014-12 46.122
2014-11 45.369
2014-10 45.382
2014-09 45.48
2014-08 45.578
2014-07 45.207
2014-06 45.501
2014-05 45.374
2014-04 45.147
2014-03 45.171
2014-02 45.087
2014-01 45.001
2013-12 45.984
2013-11 45.821
2013-10 45.479
2013-09 45.404
2013-08 45.354
2013-07 45.492
2013-06 45.151
2013-05 45.769
2013-04 45.463
2013-03 45.762
2013-02 45.389
2013-01 45.06
2012-12 45.379
2012-11 45.262
2012-10 45.721
2012-09 45.45
2012-08 45.379
2012-07 45.778
2012-06 45.745
2012-05 45.473
2012-04 45.586
2012-03 45.539
2012-02 46.39
2012-01 45.505
2011-12 45.325
2011-11 45.601
2011-10 46.03
2011-09 45.85
2011-08 45.972
2011-07 45.667
2011-06 45.973
2011-05 45.192
2011-04 45.595
2011-03 46.277
2011-02 46.982
2011-01 46.706
2010-12 46.664
2010-11 46.541
2010-10 46.159
2010-09 45.936
2010-08 45.575
2010-07 45.964
2010-06 45.081
2010-05 45.953
2010-04 45.437
2010-03 45.761
2010-02 45.436
2010-01 45.473
2009-12 45.978
2009-11 45.371
2009-10 45.46
2009-09 45.328
2009-08 45.061
2009-07 44.968
2009-06 45.689
2009-05 45.38
2009-04 44.971
2009-03 44.395
2009-02 44.656
2009-01 45.377

Total consumption of goods

  • Source: INSEE

Energy: sharp rebound as an after-effect of the energy voucher

In January 2023, household energy expenditures sharply rebounded (+4.0% after ‑0.8% in December 2022 – revised data). This rise concerned at the same time energy, gas and fuel. However regarding the electricity and gas spending, the increase is only explained by the decline in January in energy expenses supported by the public administrations in relation with the energy voucher payment schedule, which further increased the part supported by households. The actual final consumption of households in electricity and gas was in decline in January.

Breakdown of energy

Breakdown of energy
Refined Products Energy, water, waste
2023-01 3.804 4.101
2022-12 3.684 3.927
2022-11 3.762 3.913
2022-10 3.752 3.926
2022-09 3.948 4.354
2022-08 3.695 4.346
2022-07 3.714 4.368
2022-06 3.773 4.342
2022-05 3.743 4.183
2022-04 3.728 4.543
2022-03 3.757 4.33
2022-02 3.931 4.395
2022-01 3.814 4.501
2021-12 3.878 4.573
2021-11 3.966 4.611
2021-10 3.987 4.644
2021-09 3.918 4.487
2021-08 3.93 4.521
2021-07 3.96 4.528
2021-06 3.873 4.508
2021-05 3.606 4.788
2021-04 3.221 4.762
2021-03 3.72 4.516
2021-02 3.588 4.425
2021-01 3.623 4.582
2020-12 3.504 4.448
2020-11 2.761 4.205
2020-10 3.652 4.972
2020-09 3.632 4.475
2020-08 3.675 4.452
2020-07 3.754 4.447
2020-06 3.499 4.428
2020-05 2.738 4.327
2020-04 1.607 3.987
2020-03 2.964 4.406
2020-02 3.908 4.363
2020-01 3.968 4.215
2019-12 3.96 4.314
2019-11 3.798 4.464
2019-10 3.802 4.354
2019-09 3.877 4.358
2019-08 3.849 4.353
2019-07 3.876 4.388
2019-06 3.901 4.388
2019-05 3.86 4.541
2019-04 3.94 4.408
2019-03 3.843 4.183
2019-02 3.963 4.29
2019-01 4.003 4.44
2018-12 3.842 4.257
2018-11 3.983 4.354
2018-10 4.035 4.371
2018-09 3.865 4.273
2018-08 3.957 4.282
2018-07 3.913 4.27
2018-06 3.964 4.262
2018-05 4.03 4.255
2018-04 3.995 4.144
2018-03 4.042 4.691
2018-02 3.982 4.888
2018-01 3.886 3.995
2017-12 4.052 4.555
2017-11 3.931 4.486
2017-10 3.783 4.303
2017-09 4.147 4.457
2017-08 3.979 4.343
2017-07 4.006 4.315
2017-06 3.957 4.326
2017-05 3.992 4.375
2017-04 3.892 4.271
2017-03 3.887 4.036
2017-02 3.911 4.2
2017-01 3.986 4.701
2016-12 3.958 4.478
2016-11 4.041 4.463
2016-10 4.002 4.759
2016-09 3.941 4.339
2016-08 4.009 4.362
2016-07 3.921 4.349
2016-06 3.617 4.426
2016-05 4.229 4.407
2016-04 3.895 4.617
2016-03 3.971 4.539
2016-02 3.983 4.458
2016-01 3.849 4.137
2015-12 4.041 3.905
2015-11 3.807 4.072
2015-10 3.859 4.791
2015-09 3.911 4.414
2015-08 3.931 4.32
2015-07 4.055 4.325
2015-06 3.888 4.304
2015-05 3.818 4.266
2015-04 3.9 4.206
2015-03 3.843 4.342
2015-02 3.853 4.629
2015-01 3.899 4.332
2014-12 4.016 4.322
2014-11 3.738 4.064
2014-10 3.859 4.154
2014-09 3.9 4.293
2014-08 3.843 4.338
2014-07 3.788 4.331
2014-06 3.92 4.326
2014-05 3.779 4.399
2014-04 3.804 4.132
2014-03 3.842 4.161
2014-02 3.803 4.284
2014-01 3.833 4.158
2013-12 3.905 4.512
2013-11 3.834 4.736
2013-10 3.865 4.437
2013-09 3.866 4.574
2013-08 3.912 4.547
2013-07 3.936 4.588
2013-06 3.873 4.659
2013-05 4.108 4.853
2013-04 4.072 4.952
2013-03 3.971 4.929
2013-02 3.933 4.877
2013-01 3.883 4.602
2012-12 3.895 4.504
2012-11 4.049 4.643
2012-10 3.993 4.793
2012-09 3.922 4.563
2012-08 3.976 4.547
2012-07 4.026 4.54
2012-06 4.107 4.527
2012-05 4.062 4.525
2012-04 3.961 4.914
2012-03 4.011 4.205
2012-02 4.051 5.359
2012-01 4.01 4.372
2011-12 3.798 4.384
2011-11 3.961 4.354
2011-10 4.038 4.686
2011-09 4.047 4.489
2011-08 4.153 4.538
2011-07 3.971 4.508
2011-06 4.073 4.51
2011-05 3.827 4.372
2011-04 4.004 4.106
2011-03 4.072 4.469
2011-02 4.222 4.489
2011-01 4.221 4.551
2010-12 4.042 5.063
2010-11 4.157 4.697
2010-10 4.149 5.01
2010-09 4.179 4.596
2010-08 4.126 4.58
2010-07 4.206 4.549
2010-06 4.128 4.55
2010-05 4.179 4.766
2010-04 4.263 4.582
2010-03 4.166 4.707
2010-02 4.34 4.795
2010-01 3.966 4.85
2009-12 4.285 4.576
2009-11 4.211 4.366
2009-10 4.139 4.539
2009-09 4.18 4.561
2009-08 4.121 4.606
2009-07 4.293 4.584
2009-06 4.355 4.577
2009-05 4.344 4.562
2009-04 4.365 4.602
2009-03 4.322 4.591
2009-02 4.352 4.777
2009-01 4.367 4.923

Breakdown of energy

  • Source: INSEE

Manufactured goods: rebound

In January 2023, household consumption of manufactured goods rose by 1.3%, after a decrease by 1.7% in December 2022.

Durable goods: sharp rebound

Consumption of durable goods rose by 2.7% (after ‑3.6% in December). This rebound is mainly explained by an increase in housing equipment expenditure (+3.2% after ‑5,5% in December 2022), especially phones. The purchases of transport equipment, particularly new cars, also recovered (+2.9% after ‑2.3% in December 2022).

Textile-clothing: virtual stability

The textile-clothing purchases were virtually stable in January 2023 (‑0.1% after +0.2% in December 2022). This slight decrease came from the clothing purchase decline which was not completely counterbalanced by the increase in textile spending.

Other engineered goods: virtual stability

Consumption of other manufactured goods decreased by 0.1% in January 2023 (after +0.2% in December 2022), especially due to the downturn in purchases of medical goods and perfume.

Breakdown of engineered goods

Breakdown of engineered goods
Other engineered goods Household durables Transport equipment Textile-clothing
2023-01 6.757 4.117 5.599 4.086
2022-12 6.76 3.99 5.443 4.09
2022-11 6.753 4.224 5.572 4.08
2022-10 6.738 4.186 5.398 4.05
2022-09 6.752 4.354 5.439 4.276
2022-08 6.744 4.158 5.353 4.074
2022-07 6.743 4.143 5.219 3.917
2022-06 6.723 4.208 5.306 4.167
2022-05 6.739 4.162 5.275 4.39
2022-04 6.746 4.157 5.222 4.051
2022-03 6.748 4.184 5.265 4.127
2022-02 6.729 4.181 5.429 4.069
2022-01 6.794 4.294 5.427 3.957
2021-12 6.811 4.136 5.505 4.207
2021-11 6.783 4.353 5.465 4.2
2021-10 6.752 4.276 5.496 4.27
2021-09 6.78 4.351 5.551 4.187
2021-08 6.807 4.404 5.525 4.188
2021-07 6.851 4.729 5.567 4.193
2021-06 6.888 4.625 5.663 4.538
2021-05 6.771 4.749 5.644 4.271
2021-04 6.1 3.611 5.469 1.575
2021-03 6.759 4.606 5.598 3.566
2021-02 6.668 4.8 5.55 4.276
2021-01 6.73 4.52 5.868 3.662
2020-12 7.123 5.875 5.756 4.971
2020-11 5.993 3.151 4.977 1.823
2020-10 7.058 4.789 6.108 4.156
2020-09 6.879 4.657 6.032 4.344
2020-08 7.017 4.872 6.413 5.24
2020-07 6.887 4.615 6.917 4.091
2020-06 7.092 5.027 6.501 3.951
2020-05 6.531 4.094 4.517 3.783
2020-04 4.586 1.603 1.357 0.625
2020-03 5.556 2.806 3.11 1.84
2020-02 6.753 3.932 5.954 4.246
2020-01 6.705 4.091 5.831 4.339
2019-12 6.686 4.175 6.402 4.265
2019-11 6.731 4.028 6.255 4.34
2019-10 6.695 4.032 6.104 4.293
2019-09 6.679 3.991 5.976 4.322
2019-08 6.656 3.966 6.326 4.332
2019-07 6.653 4.008 6.156 4.227
2019-06 6.659 3.822 6.042 4.329
2019-05 6.658 4.021 6.02 4.274
2019-04 6.638 3.997 5.989 4.273
2019-03 6.641 3.946 6.188 4.326
2019-02 6.672 3.9 5.978 4.378
2019-01 6.648 3.892 5.975 4.305
2018-12 6.636 3.779 5.567 4.234
2018-11 6.587 3.824 5.897 4.187
2018-10 6.65 3.848 5.961 4.25
2018-09 6.634 3.827 5.955 4.212
2018-08 6.638 3.826 6.273 4.294
2018-07 6.654 3.803 6.053 4.328
2018-06 6.636 3.878 6.057 4.197
2018-05 6.651 3.78 6.217 4.275
2018-04 6.655 3.7 6.163 4.473
2018-03 6.639 3.805 5.978 4.264
2018-02 6.598 3.762 5.902 4.391
2018-01 6.613 3.762 5.772 4.296
2017-12 6.621 3.748 5.969 4.342
2017-11 6.623 3.858 5.808 4.413
2017-10 6.602 3.768 5.904 4.186
2017-09 6.604 3.8 5.87 4.629
2017-08 6.602 3.765 5.778 4.378
2017-07 6.607 3.827 5.945 4.398
2017-06 6.582 3.744 5.885 4.259
2017-05 6.551 3.711 5.936 4.431
2017-04 6.544 3.692 5.825 4.322
2017-03 6.545 3.658 5.731 4.422
2017-02 6.518 3.707 5.701 4.463
2017-01 6.533 3.582 5.66 4.363
2016-12 6.521 3.567 5.81 4.279
2016-11 6.498 3.536 5.765 4.235
2016-10 6.482 3.622 5.514 4.474
2016-09 6.471 3.543 5.576 4.131
2016-08 6.473 3.522 5.395 4.202
2016-07 6.464 3.462 5.359 4.263
2016-06 6.488 3.816 5.344 4.485
2016-05 6.459 3.613 5.419 4.22
2016-04 6.464 3.878 5.486 4.198
2016-03 6.479 3.716 5.431 4.217
2016-02 6.45 3.589 5.387 4.241
2016-01 6.461 3.609 5.426 4.653
2015-12 6.459 3.836 5.242 4.301
2015-11 6.37 3.327 5.137 4.098
2015-10 6.412 3.453 5.215 4.353
2015-09 6.461 3.505 5.254 4.407
2015-08 6.406 3.489 5.08 4.425
2015-07 6.419 3.435 5.245 4.356
2015-06 6.43 3.374 5.23 4.413
2015-05 6.437 3.378 5.156 4.325
2015-04 6.414 3.34 5.066 4.407
2015-03 6.39 3.371 5.023 4.312
2015-02 6.411 3.39 4.992 4.331
2015-01 6.395 3.396 5.01 4.488
2014-12 6.348 3.424 4.939 4.364
2014-11 6.331 3.337 4.991 4.313
2014-10 6.301 3.326 5.007 4.229
2014-09 6.284 3.325 4.965 4.031
2014-08 6.305 3.346 5.025 4.286
2014-07 6.257 3.317 4.922 4.352
2014-06 6.243 3.22 5.001 4.368
2014-05 6.25 3.281 4.86 4.253
2014-04 6.238 3.129 5.091 4.241
2014-03 6.246 3.128 5.008 4.367
2014-02 6.206 3.132 5.036 4.275
2014-01 6.23 3.188 4.834 4.385
2013-12 6.189 3.217 5.504 4.258
2013-11 6.204 3.124 5.073 4.356
2013-10 6.187 3.158 5.089 4.257
2013-09 6.164 3.128 5.061 4.257
2013-08 6.159 3.086 5.075 4.162
2013-07 6.143 3.039 5.016 4.261
2013-06 6.136 3.108 5.0 4.229
2013-05 6.179 3.097 5.067 4.111
2013-04 6.166 3.089 4.967 4.216
2013-03 6.12 3.065 4.86 4.172
2013-02 6.101 3.006 4.985 4.199
2013-01 6.134 3.007 4.892 4.283
2012-12 6.117 3.063 5.327 4.276
2012-11 6.086 3.049 5.032 4.223
2012-10 6.137 3.02 5.197 4.327
2012-09 6.101 3.016 5.167 4.348
2012-08 6.115 2.973 5.249 4.212
2012-07 6.133 3.078 5.256 4.286
2012-06 6.194 3.05 5.352 4.087
2012-05 6.065 3.028 5.387 4.289
2012-04 6.071 3.063 5.371 3.995
2012-03 6.151 2.924 5.483 4.456
2012-02 6.103 3.002 5.319 4.32
2012-01 6.093 2.933 5.362 4.385
2011-12 6.081 3.072 5.606 4.299
2011-11 6.14 2.831 5.767 4.287
2011-10 6.119 2.905 5.612 4.344
2011-09 6.118 2.914 5.625 4.253
2011-08 6.12 2.935 5.639 4.305
2011-07 6.1 2.977 5.585 4.269
2011-06 6.127 2.966 5.485 4.431
2011-05 6.07 2.885 5.504 4.329
2011-04 6.076 2.845 5.647 4.495
2011-03 6.068 2.972 6.09 4.422
2011-02 6.06 3.032 6.333 4.507
2011-01 6.083 2.934 6.201 4.387
2010-12 6.041 2.805 6.061 4.446
2010-11 6.031 2.841 6.055 4.472
2010-10 6.004 2.833 5.643 4.368
2010-09 6.0 2.877 5.717 4.434
2010-08 5.954 2.901 5.434 4.445
2010-07 5.954 2.76 5.607 4.656
2010-06 5.936 2.773 5.615 4.103
2010-05 6.016 2.926 5.552 4.371
2010-04 5.898 2.753 5.64 4.404
2010-03 5.887 2.803 5.814 4.417
2010-02 5.822 2.775 5.675 4.241
2010-01 5.794 2.746 5.838 4.502
2009-12 5.809 2.758 6.243 4.42
2009-11 5.762 2.728 6.282 4.336
2009-10 5.774 2.73 5.992 4.44
2009-09 5.755 2.73 5.932 4.362
2009-08 5.734 2.711 5.781 4.145
2009-07 5.699 2.679 5.812 4.282
2009-06 5.835 2.681 5.853 4.583
2009-05 5.689 2.625 6.214 4.345
2009-04 5.727 2.63 5.636 4.339
2009-03 5.71 2.586 5.527 4.423
2009-02 5.699 2.577 5.51 4.291
2009-01 5.789 2.594 5.481 4.555

Breakdown of engineered goods

  • Source: INSEE

Food products: partial rebound

In January 2023, households food consumption rebounded after several months of successive decreases (+0.6% after ‑1.9% in December 2022). This partial rebound is explained by the rise in the consumption of agricultural products and food products. Tobacco consumption fell again.

Food products, engineered goods and energy

Food products, engineered goods and energy
Engineered goods Energy Food products
2023-01 22.025 7.87 16.091
2022-12 21.74 7.565 15.998
2022-11 22.122 7.625 16.302
2022-10 21.837 7.629 16.354
2022-09 22.269 8.26 16.569
2022-08 21.799 8.013 16.659
2022-07 21.462 8.055 16.858
2022-06 21.86 8.083 16.919
2022-05 22.033 7.888 16.923
2022-04 21.664 8.249 16.875
2022-03 21.839 8.055 17.055
2022-02 21.944 8.287 17.357
2022-01 21.958 8.287 17.398
2021-12 22.221 8.419 17.475
2021-11 22.325 8.54 17.565
2021-10 22.333 8.595 17.519
2021-09 22.414 8.365 17.507
2021-08 22.419 8.412 17.422
2021-07 22.828 8.446 17.368
2021-06 23.262 8.345 17.424
2021-05 22.789 8.402 17.508
2021-04 17.979 8.022 17.552
2021-03 21.974 8.215 18.086
2021-02 22.727 7.997 17.805
2021-01 22.21 8.196 17.959
2020-12 25.011 7.956 17.828
2020-11 16.915 6.979 17.165
2020-10 23.48 8.632 18.351
2020-09 23.317 8.109 17.343
2020-08 24.987 8.128 17.924
2020-07 23.887 8.2 17.409
2020-06 23.905 7.93 17.87
2020-05 19.757 7.08 18.148
2020-04 8.477 5.625 17.544
2020-03 14.134 7.383 19.056
2020-02 22.233 8.266 17.208
2020-01 22.233 8.175 17.082
2019-12 22.887 8.269 17.096
2019-11 22.699 8.259 17.15
2019-10 22.449 8.152 17.184
2019-09 22.303 8.231 17.193
2019-08 22.636 8.197 17.132
2019-07 22.374 8.259 17.173
2019-06 22.187 8.285 17.129
2019-05 22.32 8.398 17.308
2019-04 22.231 8.344 17.333
2019-03 22.455 8.021 17.115
2019-02 22.259 8.247 17.211
2019-01 22.153 8.439 17.263
2018-12 21.538 8.096 17.37
2018-11 21.819 8.331 17.259
2018-10 22.044 8.399 17.341
2018-09 21.954 8.135 17.254
2018-08 22.359 8.231 17.323
2018-07 22.172 8.177 17.478
2018-06 22.09 8.217 17.435
2018-05 22.252 8.271 17.326
2018-04 22.33 8.122 16.915
2018-03 22.019 8.74 17.675
2018-02 21.968 8.891 17.547
2018-01 21.769 7.862 17.364
2017-12 21.999 8.611 17.258
2017-11 22.026 8.426 17.551
2017-10 21.779 8.094 17.478
2017-09 22.211 8.59 17.661
2017-08 21.831 8.313 17.442
2017-07 22.092 8.308 17.563
2017-06 21.773 8.275 17.573
2017-05 21.939 8.36 17.51
2017-04 21.691 8.157 17.472
2017-03 21.664 7.897 17.44
2017-02 21.697 8.098 17.492
2017-01 21.44 8.71 17.543
2016-12 21.49 8.441 17.292
2016-11 21.347 8.502 17.411
2016-10 21.404 8.78 17.588
2016-09 21.028 8.277 17.552
2016-08 20.87 8.365 17.49
2016-07 20.843 8.269 17.404
2016-06 21.439 8.069 17.338
2016-05 21.029 8.617 17.304
2016-04 21.322 8.53 17.062
2016-03 21.15 8.518 17.501
2016-02 20.98 8.442 17.513
2016-01 21.49 7.978 17.452
2015-12 21.186 7.946 17.532
2015-11 20.237 7.879 17.35
2015-10 20.734 8.65 17.269
2015-09 20.958 8.325 17.29
2015-08 20.728 8.251 17.434
2015-07 20.793 8.379 17.319
2015-06 20.788 8.192 17.469
2015-05 20.649 8.084 17.351
2015-04 20.562 8.106 17.274
2015-03 20.446 8.185 17.229
2015-02 20.467 8.482 17.246
2015-01 20.626 8.231 17.357
2014-12 20.413 8.343 17.366
2014-11 20.302 7.806 17.259
2014-10 20.191 8.017 17.173
2014-09 19.928 8.194 17.36
2014-08 20.277 8.178 17.123
2014-07 20.166 8.115 16.925
2014-06 20.131 8.247 17.123
2014-05 19.957 8.17 17.248
2014-04 20.001 7.94 17.206
2014-03 20.048 8.007 17.116
2014-02 19.964 8.085 17.037
2014-01 19.966 7.995 17.04
2013-12 20.46 8.416 17.1
2013-11 20.043 8.548 17.231
2013-10 19.991 8.302 17.185
2013-09 19.893 8.432 17.08
2013-08 19.769 8.455 17.132
2013-07 19.742 8.519 17.235
2013-06 19.768 8.518 16.865
2013-05 19.753 8.952 17.07
2013-04 19.734 9.006 16.726
2013-03 19.519 8.876 17.38
2013-02 19.576 8.786 17.034
2013-01 19.598 8.475 16.99
2012-12 20.067 8.397 16.902
2012-11 19.695 8.693 16.883
2012-10 19.973 8.773 16.978
2012-09 19.91 8.482 17.057
2012-08 19.835 8.524 17.02
2012-07 20.074 8.572 17.13
2012-06 20.014 8.646 17.086
2012-05 20.031 8.596 16.839
2012-04 19.818 8.852 16.926
2012-03 20.291 8.242 16.982
2012-02 20.019 9.366 17.027
2012-01 20.063 8.397 17.035
2011-12 20.408 8.188 16.675
2011-11 20.279 8.327 16.966
2011-10 20.276 8.73 17.039
2011-09 20.227 8.547 17.074
2011-08 20.316 8.704 16.96
2011-07 20.264 8.488 16.903
2011-06 20.343 8.595 17.032
2011-05 20.092 8.207 16.862
2011-04 20.34 8.13 17.075
2011-03 20.822 8.554 16.865
2011-02 21.205 8.728 17.011
2011-01 20.873 8.788 17.032
2010-12 20.581 9.125 16.997
2010-11 20.631 8.863 17.043
2010-10 20.119 9.176 16.946
2010-09 20.301 8.781 16.86
2010-08 20.054 8.712 16.823
2010-07 20.238 8.76 16.976
2010-06 19.699 8.684 16.735
2010-05 20.188 8.955 16.851
2010-04 19.949 8.849 16.68
2010-03 20.187 8.882 16.72
2010-02 19.77 9.141 16.624
2010-01 20.117 8.833 16.547
2009-12 20.433 8.869 16.694
2009-11 20.295 8.596 16.475
2009-10 20.144 8.675 16.659
2009-09 20.015 8.74 16.604
2009-08 19.615 8.717 16.791
2009-07 19.69 8.885 16.454
2009-06 20.191 8.947 16.587
2009-05 19.984 8.921 16.521
2009-04 19.552 8.98 16.519
2009-03 19.437 8.922 16.104
2009-02 19.282 9.125 16.354
2009-01 19.608 9.275 16.6

Food products, engineered goods and energy

  • Source: INSEE

Household consumption expenditure on goods

Changes in %. TD-SA
Household consumption expenditure on goods (Changes in %. TD-SA )
Weight (1) Nov 22 Dec 22 Jan 23 Jan 23 / Jan 22 Q / Q-1 (2)
Food products 38 -0.3 -1.9 0.6 -7.5 -2.4
- excl. Tobacco 34 -0.3 -2.0 0.7 -8.2 -2.5
Engineered goods 44 1.3 -1.7 1.3 0.3 0.0
- Durables 22 2.2 -3.6 2.7 -0.2 0.3
- Including transport equipment 13 3.2 -2.3 2.9 3.2 2.6
- Including Household durables 7 0.9 -5.5 3.2 -4.1 -2.9
- Textile-clothing 9 0.7 0.2 -0.1 3.3 -1.2
- Other engineered goods 13 0.2 0.1 0.0 -0.6 0.2
Energy 18 -0.1 -0.8 4.0 -5.0 -3.5
- Energy. water. waste 10 -0.3 0.4 4.4 -8.9 -5.4
- Refined Products 8 0.3 -2.1 3.3 -0.3 -1.3
Total 100 0.4 -1.6 1.5 -3.7 -1.6
- Including Manufactured goods 84 0.4 -1.9 1.2 -3.0 -1.2
  • (1) Weighting in the consumption expenditure on goods in value in 2019
  • (2) Last three months / previous three months
  • Source: INSEE

The evolution of goods consumption in December 2022 is revised downwards

The evolution of household consumption in goods for December 2022 is revised downwards by 0.3 points, to ‑1.6% instead of ‑1.3%. Since the previous publication, new information has been incorporated and the seasonal adjustment and working day adjustment coefficients have been updated, especially the fuel purchases which were revised downwards. Regarding gas and electricity, two revisions sources compensated: the actual households consumption has been revised upwards but the integration of the energy voucher led to reclassify a part of the consumption as a public administrations expenditure rather than an households expenditure. Moreover, the seasonal adjustment (SA) and working days effects adjustment (WDA) coefficients have been updated.

For more information

*Volumes are measured at chain-link previous year prices (2014 euro billions) and all figures are seasonally and working-day adjusted (SA-WDA).

Scope and definition ‑ Consumption expenditure on goods is compliant with the national-accounts definition (NAF Rev. 2). In 2014, they accounted for half of total households’ consumption expenditure. They are divided into three main items:

  •  Food: products of agriculture, forestry and fishing (AZ), food, drinks and tobacco (C1)
  •  Energy: mining products, as well as water, gas, electricity and air conditioning, sanitation and waste management (DE), and refined and coked products (C2).
  •  Engineered goods: computers, electronic, electrical and optical goods (C3), transport equipment (C4), textiles and clothing, products made of leather, wood, paper, furniture, chemical and pharmaceutical products, plastic, rubber, minerals, metals, hardware (C5). Within this heading are distinguished “durable” goods which include transport equipment, household durables (furniture, household appliances, etc.) and other durable goods (jewellery, watches, glasses, medical devices, etc.).

The manufactured goods correspond to all the products C1, C2, C3, C4, C5.

Sources ‑ This indicator is the compilation of a variety of statistical sources issued by the Bank of France, the French Federation of Automobile Manufacturers (CCFA), the Department of Data and Statistical Studies (SDES), the French Institute of Fashion (IFM), the National Health-Insurance Administration (CNAM), the National Federation of Rubber and Plastics Industries (SNCP), the Board of Oil (CPDP), GFK, Logista, the International Union Committee of Automobile and Motorcycle (CSIAM), etc.

Next publication : 31 March 2023 at 8:45 AM.

Pour en savoir plus
