Informations Rapides · 30 September 2022 · n° 260
Informations rapidesIn July 2022, manufacturing turnover fell (-3.0%) Turnover in industry and construction - July 2022

Informations rapides
No 260
Paru le :Paru le30/09/2022
Prochaine parution le : 26/09/2024 at 12:00 - July 2024

All data are corrected for seasonal and working day effects (SA-WDA).

INSEE now favours industrial producer and import price indices and the industrial production index to measure activity in industry, over the industrial turnover indices. The industrial producer price index and the industrial production index are released 30 and 35 days respectively after the end of the month, compared with 60 days after the end of the month for the turnover indices in industry. These turnover indices will continue to be published monthly, but in a more concise form: from August 2022, the issue of Informations Rapides will also only contain the graph and the access link to all the series of indices available in the database of the website Of course, the details of the data available online will remain unchanged.

Turnover in manufacturing industry

2015 based SA-WDA
Turnover in manufacturing industry (2015 based SA-WDA)
Manufacturing industry Man. of food products and beverages Man. of transport equipment Other manufacturing
2022-07 125.39 127.24 103.03 128.61
2022-06 129.27 129.4 105.75 132.03
2022-05 125.94 126.13 96.5 132.61
2022-04 124.45 125.51 102.76 129.31
2022-03 125.1 124.44 104.03 130.82
2022-02 122.04 123.04 99.53 127.59
2022-01 121.26 120.45 106.25 125.77
2021-12 119.98 120.2 102.92 125.91
2021-11 116.77 119.99 95.55 122.53
2021-10 113.81 117.1 90.0 120.04
2021-09 113.57 117.59 93.07 119.49
2021-08 112.53 116.69 94.08 118.17
2021-07 109.22 116.11 84.23 116.19
2021-06 111.94 114.61 103.38 115.9
2021-05 104.23 112.63 77.02 111.51
2021-04 108.71 111.4 96.98 113.09
2021-03 109.7 114.14 100.17 112.34
2021-02 104.28 111.11 81.56 110.03
2021-01 108.09 110.34 104.05 110.85
2020-12 104.93 109.9 94.93 109.04
2020-11 104.23 107.92 97.17 107.12
2020-10 104.75 110.28 109.21 104.59
2020-09 102.18 109.13 96.97 104.08
2020-08 101.44 109.0 92.4 103.33
2020-07 98.5 110.45 82.58 101.0
2020-06 97.08 107.4 88.39 97.85
2020-05 82.97 97.63 56.47 88.65
2020-04 70.98 95.72 37.97 74.57
2020-03 91.39 105.8 80.19 90.66
2020-02 112.4 110.29 127.59 108.79
2020-01 111.15 111.76 115.09 109.45
2019-12 111.76 110.64 120.92 109.08
2019-11 113.04 109.98 127.53 110.11
2019-10 114.55 109.91 136.37 111.26
2019-09 112.76 109.38 126.5 109.9
2019-08 114.43 109.7 134.47 109.68
2019-07 113.63 109.5 131.7 109.44
2019-06 109.36 107.86 115.59 108.58
2019-05 113.78 109.65 125.71 111.21
2019-04 113.6 111.16 125.01 110.04
2019-03 112.45 105.37 124.1 110.57
2019-02 114.07 107.68 128.75 110.17
2019-01 112.0 108.54 117.73 110.2
2018-12 112.44 108.25 119.04 111.88
2018-11 111.06 107.05 117.91 109.57
2018-10 114.75 108.18 131.48 111.57
2018-09 109.74 105.14 114.24 107.6
2018-08 111.03 106.65 118.29 108.6
2018-07 108.63 104.96 113.79 107.26
2018-06 109.99 105.6 114.6 109.36
2018-05 106.55 106.63 99.65 107.81
2018-04 108.92 104.84 117.29 107.59
2018-03 109.16 106.2 119.51 107.2
2018-02 107.01 105.65 108.44 106.33
2018-01 109.27 104.88 118.11 107.86
2017-12 110.53 104.8 120.98 109.23
2017-11 109.39 105.74 119.62 107.65
2017-10 108.65 105.7 119.2 106.64
2017-09 107.67 105.83 116.23 105.88
2017-08 105.22 105.76 106.43 105.22
2017-07 106.73 104.75 114.34 106.16
2017-06 105.4 104.59 109.7 105.42
2017-05 106.22 104.9 112.4 106.03
2017-04 103.35 103.84 104.19 103.24
2017-03 108.83 103.47 132.72 104.48
2017-02 104.53 103.27 106.06 103.56
2017-01 102.31 101.31 105.6 101.39
2016-12 105.61 101.55 126.92 101.47
2016-11 103.13 102.57 108.95 102.07
2016-10 99.51 101.51 101.17 98.45
2016-09 100.92 101.79 105.23 100.2
2016-08 100.72 101.24 107.15 99.53
2016-07 98.48 100.19 99.97 98.38
2016-06 99.13 99.39 108.7 97.13
2016-05 98.25 99.14 101.07 98.46
2016-04 98.58 98.03 102.63 99.06
2016-03 98.16 99.94 101.72 98.0
2016-02 98.33 100.13 97.63 99.76
2016-01 99.03 99.58 100.45 100.2

Turnover in manufacturing industry

  • Sources: DGFiP, INSEE

For further information

Next issue: 28 October 2022 at 12:00.

Pour en savoir plus

Next issue: 28 October 2022 at 12:00.
