Informations Rapides · 26 April 2022 · n° 108
Informations rapidesIn April 2022, the opinion of the business managers in civil engineering on their incoming activity has deteriorated compared to January Quaterly survey of public works - April 2022

In April 2022, the business managers in civil engineering are far less optimistic than in January about their expected activity over the next three months. However, they are more positive than in January about the trend in their activity over the past three months.

Informations rapides
No 108
Paru le :Paru le26/04/2022

In April 2022, the business managers in civil engineering are far less optimistic than in January about their expected activity over the next three months. However, they are more positive than in January about the trend in their activity over the past three months.

Business managers are more pessimistic than in January about their expected activity

In April 2022, far fewer business managers than in January are expecting an increase in their activity for the next three months: the corresponding balance of opinion has fallen clearly again and has returned below its long-term average. In detail, the balance of opinion concerning incoming activity for the private sector has fallen more sharply than that on the activity for the public sector. Both have returned below their long-term average.

Public works economic outlook

Balances of opinion, in %, SA
Public works economic outlook (Balances of opinion, in %, SA) - NA: not available
Mean.* July 21 Oct. 21 Jan. 22 Apr. 22
Past activity -5 20 -11 -3 6
- public-sector project -11 8 -17 -14 -5
- private-sector project -9 15 -3 2 1
Expected activity -12 1 12 0 -16
- public-sector project -15 -4 12 -11 -24
- private-sector project -14 -3 16 10 -24
Opinion on order books -24 -19 -8 -13 -7
Obstacles to production increase because of workforce shortage (in %) 17 33 37 44 36
Expected workforce -12 8 15 16 12
Economic uncertainty felt 22 6 17 13 46
  • Note: the balances of opinion by costumer may differ from the balance of the whole, because sometimes the firms don't distinguish public-sector project and private-sector project.
  • * Mean since January 1981 and since April 2021 for the balances of opinion on the economic uncertainty felt.
  • NA: not available
  • Source: French business survey, building crafts sector – INSEE and FNTP

Activity tendency in civil engineering

Activity tendency in civil engineering
Past activity Expected activity
2022-Q2 5.8 -16.2
2022-Q1 -3.4 0.0
2021-Q4 -11.0 11.8
2021-Q3 19.5 1.3
2021-Q2 -7.2 -10.2
2021-Q1 -7.4 -19.0
2020-Q4 -4.0 -25.2
2020-Q3 -86.5 14.3
2020-Q2 NaN NaN
2020-Q1 20.6 -4.0
2019-Q4 23.0 13.8
2019-Q3 32.5 16.3
2019-Q2 39.1 22.0
2019-Q1 34.1 26.0
2018-Q4 38.4 28.6
2018-Q3 31.5 26.3
2018-Q2 29.4 32.3
2018-Q1 37.1 22.7
2017-Q4 29.3 32.5
2017-Q3 37.4 27.5
2017-Q2 28.8 19.5
2017-Q1 11.6 3.3
2016-Q4 9.4 -5.5
2016-Q3 -5.6 -1.0
2016-Q2 -16.8 -15.4
2016-Q1 -18.5 -15.6
2015-Q4 -37.5 -15.0
2015-Q3 -41.0 -31.7
2015-Q2 -50.2 -43.5
2015-Q1 -59.9 -42.3
2014-Q4 -60.3 -54.5
2014-Q3 -45.6 -48.4
2014-Q2 4.2 -30.4
2014-Q1 -4.2 -25.6
2013-Q4 3.3 -15.6
2013-Q3 -7.4 -11.9
2013-Q2 -18.4 -13.5
2013-Q1 -11.3 -13.3
2012-Q4 -9.8 -26.5
2012-Q3 -22.6 -7.6
2012-Q2 -12.9 -6.8
2012-Q1 7.0 -12.4
2011-Q4 8.6 -4.3
2011-Q3 26.5 0.1
2011-Q2 36.8 2.3
2011-Q1 -32.5 0.0
2010-Q4 -7.9 -17.9
2010-Q3 -15.9 -23.9
2010-Q2 -33.7 -20.5
2010-Q1 -23.1 -16.7
2009-Q4 -33.3 -16.1
2009-Q3 -50.5 -34.0
2009-Q2 -48.8 -52.0
2009-Q1 -55.3 -50.6
2008-Q4 -30.5 -47.6
2008-Q3 -10.8 -26.0
2008-Q2 16.3 -16.0
2008-Q1 20.1 2.7
2007-Q4 22.8 14.6
2007-Q3 36.2 13.9
2007-Q2 39.7 21.5
2007-Q1 39.0 16.9
  • Data for the second quarter of 2020 are not available, the response rate to this survey was greatly affected in April in the context of the health crisis.

Activity tendency in civil engineering

  • Data for the second quarter of 2020 are not available, the response rate to this survey was greatly affected in April in the context of the health crisis.
  • Sources: FNTP and INSEE.

Conversely, the opinion of business managers on their activity over the past three months has improved. The related balance of opinion has increased again and stays above its long-term average. In particular, the balance related to past activity for the public sector have improved again while the one regarding past activity for the private sector has folded down slightly. Both of them are above their respective average.

Overall, many more business managers than in the previous quarter find it difficult for them to predict the development in their business situation: the balance of opinion on economic uncertainty has increased very strongly in April 2022 and has reached his highest point since the introduction of this question in the survey, in April 2021.

Business managers are nevertheless a little more positive than in January on the level of their order books

In April 2022, more business managers than in January consider that the level of their order books is higher than usual for the season: the corresponding balance of opinion has bounced back and stays well above its long-term average.

The lack of manpower remains prevalent but is less felt than in January

In April 2022, difficulties due to the lack of manpower are less often mentioned than in January: 36% of companies have reported some in April 2022. This proportion stays far above its long-term average (17%). But is is inferior to its pre-crisis level (40% in January 2020) and has gone down for the first time after having continuously increased from July 2020 to January 2022.

Employment prospects remain favourable

In April 2022, somewhat less business managers than in January have planned to increase their workforce over the next three months. The corresponding balance has been down slightly, although still largely above its long-term average.

For further information

A balance of opinion is calculated as the difference between the percentage of “increase” responses and the percentage of “decrease” responses.

Additional information (simplified and detailed methodology, nomenclature, etc.) is available on the “Documentation” tab of this page.

Next issue: 26 July 2022 at 12:00 am

Pour en savoir plus

A balance of opinion is calculated as the difference between the percentage of “increase” responses and the percentage of “decrease” responses.

Additional information (simplified and detailed methodology, nomenclature, etc.) is available on the “Documentation” tab of this page.

Next issue: 26 July 2022 at 12:00 am
